[Its-generator-contacts] 6/24 Sliger Building Generator Load Transfer Test

Mitch Gans mgans at fsu.edu
Wed Jun 30 09:25:32 EDT 2021

Good morning,

Last Thursday's successful Generator Load Transfer Test was the first one since power renovations at Sliger Building a couple weeks ago. Unlike during previous Generator tests, your office equipment outside the Data Center was unaffected during this test, because there was no transition of the entire building to Generator. This means that during future Generator tests, your electronic equipment will remain up, we will not need to warn you that you will briefly lose power, and only equipment in the Data Center will be on Generator. This also means that during City power outages, your office equipment will not be on Generator and it will be off the entire time of the outage. For future issues and concerns regarding power outages, please contact the City of Tallahassee at 850-891-4968 or 711 (TDD).



Mitch Gans
Florida State University
2035 E. Paul Dirac Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2760
mgans at fsu.edu<mailto:mgans at fsu.edu>
Office: (850) 644-8555
Cell: (850) 591-6193
Fax: (850) 644-8722

From: Mitch Gans
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2021 9:31 AM
Subject: 6/24 Sliger Building Generator Load Transfer Test

Please be advised that we will be conducting a Sliger Building Generator Load Transfer Test beginning at 7:00 am on Thursday, June 24, which will last less than an hour.

Any electronic devices outside the Sliger Building Data Center without battery backup will experience a power outage at 7:00 am as the generator starts up.

Should we experience any problems during this test, Facilities will be on-site and prepared to resolve them so that all power is restored before 8:00 am.

Mitch Gans

Asst. Director, Information Technology Services

Florida State University

2035 E. Paul Dirac Drive

Tallahassee, FL 32306-2760

mgans at fsu.edu<mailto:mgans at fsu.edu>

Office: (850) 644-2591

Cell: (850) 591-6193

Fax: (850) 644-8722

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