[Isl] ISL Yang Hou Brown Bag

Neil Charness charness at psy.fsu.edu
Wed Jan 24 10:46:25 EST 2024

Hi Folks:

Please reserve the date and join us for our final Spring Brown Bag on April 8, 1 pm, on Zoom when Yang Hou presents:

How can a genetic disorder affect neurobehavioral outcomes across the lifespan? A lesson from neurofibromatosis type 1
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Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a genetic disorder characterized by various clinical manifestations (e.g., tumors, skin problems, cognitive deficits). The progression and severity of the disease vary across ages and individuals. To date, there is no cure for this lifelong disease yet. Individuals with NF1 have a life expectancy that is 8-15 years shorter than the general population. However, we know little about how their neurobehavioral  (cognitive, socioemotional, and behavioral) outcomes change across lifespan and their predictors. My DEaR lab aims to comprehensively understand neurobehavioral development across the lifespan using advanced quantitative methodological approaches (e.g., time-varying effect modeling and multilevel modeling). The talk will provide a sampling of studies examining patterns and predictors of neurobehavioral outcomes of individuals with NF1 from childhood to older adults.

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How can a genetic disorder affect neurobehavioral outcomes across the lifespan? A lesson from neurofibromatosis type 1
Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a genetic disorder characterized by various clinical manifestations (e.g., tumors, skin problems, cognitive deficits). The progression and severity of the disease vary across ages and individuals. To date, there is no cure for this lifelong disease yet. Individuals with NF1 have a life expectancy that is 8-15 years shorter than the general population. However, we know little about how their neurobehavioral  (cognitive, socioemotional, and behavioral) outcomes change across lifespan and their predictors. My DEaR lab aims to comprehensively understand neurobehavioral development across the lifespan using advanced quantitative methodological approaches (e.g., time-varying effect modeling and multilevel modeling). The talk will provide a sampling of studies examining patterns and predictors of neurobehavioral outcomes of individuals with NF1 from childhood to older adults.

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