[Isl] Missed the Collaborative Collision?

Victoria Simon vsimon at fsu.edu
Fri Jan 5 10:20:09 EST 2024

Hello and Happy New Year to all of you ISL Faculty Affiliates!

If you missed our ISL Collaborative Collision just prior to winter break, we have recorded it for you and wanted to link it to you here https://fsu.zoom.us/rec/share/ENE28i5WNsng8M28-wwr2zZKebvIPjXzoUyh725ATrMYHZpmVO3Fsj8tnVmQ5fsd.d4XZtnnwBqC-P1Mv?startTime=1702321351000

If you want to reach out to anyone in particular please feel free to do so and get ready to submit your applications here: ISL Planning Grant 2024-2025 - Institute for Successful Longevity (smapply.us)<https://isl-fsu-sm.smapply.us/prog/isl_planning_grant_2024-2025_/>

To read the full grant requirements, head to the homepage: Institute for Successful Longevity (smapply.us)<https://isl-fsu-sm.smapply.us/>

Victoria Simon
Institute for Successful Longevity
Room 279
Claude-Pepper Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32304
vs22z at fsu.edu<mailto:vs22z at fsu.edu>

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