[Isl] Bi-Monthly Meeting and Vote

Victoria Simon vsimon at fsu.edu
Wed Dec 6 09:48:56 EST 2023

Hello and good morning,

Please remember to vote in the poll for our Spring Brown Bag dates (either Mondays or Tuesdays) and be sure to also provide your availability so we can schedule our next Faculty Affiliates meeting.

Select your availability here: http://whenisgood.net/4tjteas

Spring 2024 Brown Bag-What day to hold it? (View/vote in browser<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=61Bkowbbp0KNGwJnGfcB4x4Omp2CNppKlc8pqDrw9dFUOFBUUU02UU1OUjNQNEFOQUFNQzJCTkZTOS4u>)

Thank you!

Victoria Simon
Institute for Successful Longevity
Room 279
Claude-Pepper Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32304
vs22z at fsu.edu<mailto:vs22z at fsu.edu>

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