[Isl] Poll: Fall Brown Bags, return to in person, keep it online or go hybrid?

Victoria Simon vsimon at fsu.edu
Mon Apr 3 10:36:58 EDT 2023

Hello and good morning, Affiliates!

For those of you who have attended our past affiliates meetings, you know that we have been questioning if we should return to in person sessions for the Brown Bag lecture series we host. For our newer affiliates, the Brown Bag series is a lecture series we host in the spring and fall semesters, showcasing research of our affiliates. It is an hour-long PowerPoint presentation with a short Q&A at the end, and it has been held virtually since COVID but prior to that was held in person.

Please vote in the poll to let us know your opinion on returning to in person for the Brown Bag series come Fall.

Fall Brown Bags, return to in person, keep it online or go hybrid? (View/vote in browser<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=61Bkowbbp0KNGwJnGfcB4x4Omp2CNppKlc8pqDrw9dFURElHWE1JQlA2SkpKUzFZUDNRVjFSVVVQQi4u>)

Victoria Simon
Institute for Successful Longevity
Room 227
Claude-Pepper Building
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32304
vs22z at fsu.edu<mailto:vs22z at fsu.edu>

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