[Isl] Advancing Economic Opportunity Among Older Adults

Neil Charness charness at psy.fsu.edu
Mon Mar 21 10:35:03 EDT 2022

Hi David:

Thanks for notice of that funding mechanism.  I'm sending it to the ISL affiliates.  Best, Neil

Neil Charness, Ph.D., William G. Chase Professor of Psychology
FSU Distinguished Research Professor
Director, Institute for Successful Longevity www.isl.fsu.edu<http:// www.isl.fsu.edu>
Department of Psychology, Florida State University
1107 West Call Street, Tallahassee, Florida, USA 32306-4301
Phone (office): 850-644-6686; Fax: 850-644-7739
E-mail: charness at psy.fsu.edu<mailto:charness at psy.fsu.edu>; http://www.psy.fsu.edu/~charness/
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From: David Lipten <dlipten at foundation.fsu.edu>
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 10:29 AM
To: Neil Charness <charness at psy.fsu.edu>
Subject: Advancing Economic Opportunity Among Older Adults


Good morning. The AARP has issued the RFP above for "... direct-service projects that deploy program models with evidence of effectiveness for helping older adults with low income increase income/earnings or secure benefits. Direct service grant funding must be used to enhance direct services or projects/programs for older adults with low income.

  *   Ready to Pilot: Small-scale projects to test the feasibility of a project's approach, methods, and procedures that are intended to be used in a larger-scale project. The program model is developed and it needs to be tested thoroughly in alternate locations and/or among older adults with low income.
  *   Ready for Outcomes: Program has been developed, pilot-tested and implemented among older adults with low income. A program/project evaluation was conducted that indicated older adult program participants achieved the program outcomes.
Grant are for between $100-750K. Here is a link: AARP Foundation Grant Funding Opportunity<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.aarp.org/aarp-foundation/grants/info-2021/advancing-effective-solutions.html__;!!PhOWcWs!iRLyiFijd40E9BZQ7dcwFEkcJMl_3ujqbmgX6Wu4byCtAcEEn5miPaXIHkZBwYR8-9w$>
As always, please distribute and let me know how I can help, including all grant writing and submission.


David Lipten, Ph.D. (he/him)
Development Officer
Florida State University Foundation
O: (850) 645-0491
C: (850) 228-8197

[FSU Foundation]<http://foundation.fsu.edu/>

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