[Isl] Please vote for Kaitlin Lansford as a new potential ISL Faculty Affiliate

Callie Kindelsperger cperson at fsu.edu
Mon Jun 27 13:52:38 EDT 2022

Hi everyone,

Please see the attached poll in consideration for Dr. Kaitlin Lansford to join our Affiliates list. In conjunction with our institute's new implemented by-laws, each new member to the Affiliates must be voted upon by our existing members before joining. At your earliest convenience, if you could input your results (a simple yes/no, see the poll for more details), no later than Tuesday, July 5th, that would be appreciated.

Dr. Kaitlin Lansford is an Associate Professor here at FSU in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders. She also serves as the Director of the Motor Speech Disorders Lab at FSU, where the lab conducts research on dysarthric speech perception. Dr. Lansford's current work focuses perceptual training, which offers a promising avenue for improving intelligibility of people with dysarthria by offsetting the communicative burden from the patient on to their primary communication partners. Diseases resulting in dysarthria (e.g., neurodegenerative disease, stroke) often occur later in life. Thus, the older adult population, namely the aging spouses, friends, and caregivers of individuals with dysarthria, would particularly benefit from familiarization.

Thus, ongoing projects in the lab center on examining perceptual training outcomes in individuals, 60 years and older.

Her research team, at FSU and Utah State University, has received NIH-funding (see below) to support this work. Further, her team has an R01 proposal under review to extend and expand this research agenda. This work aligns with the goals of the Institute of Successful Longevity. Specifically, this work will establish a new realm of clinical practice in which the intelligibility impairments in individuals with neurological disease are addressed by training (often) aging communication partners to better understand dysarthric speech, enhancing communication and participation for this population.

Proposal-Dr. Kaitlin Lansford as a new potential ISL Faculty Affiliate (View/vote in browser<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=61Bkowbbp0KNGwJnGfcB40lqPaC15tBBtrfN8au2L8tUN09BSDdDUjRDRDJYRjFJS0M5RVhXNzhYVC4u>)

We look forward to seeing the results!


Callie Kindelsperger
Institute for Successful Longevity
Florida State University
Email: cperson at fsu.edu<mailto:cperson at fsu.edu>

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