[Isl] FW: Southern Gerontological Society Call for Abstracts Invitation

Neil Charness charness at psy.fsu.edu
Tue Oct 19 08:38:31 EDT 2021

Hi Folks:

Information on the Southern Gerontological Society and a conference to be held nearby in Panama City Beach.

Best, Neil

Neil Charness, Ph.D., William G. Chase Professor of Psychology
FSU Distinguished Research Professor
Director, Institute for Successful Longevity www.isl.fsu.edu<http:// www.isl.fsu.edu>
Department of Psychology, Florida State University
1107 West Call Street, Tallahassee, Florida, USA 32306-4301
Phone (office): 850-644-6686; Fax: 850-644-7739
E-mail: charness at psy.fsu.edu<mailto:charness at psy.fsu.edu>; http://www.psy.fsu.edu/~charness/
Please Note:
Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written business communications to or from FSU staff and/or any public college or university employee are public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this e-mail communication may be subject to public disclosure.

From: admin at southerngerontologicalsociety.org <admin at southerngerontologicalsociety.org>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2021 6:12 PM
To: Neil Charness <charness at psy.fsu.edu>
Subject: Southern Gerontological Society Call for Abstracts Invitation

Dr. Neil H. Charness,

My name is Amanda James, and I am the new Executive Director of the Southern Gerontological Society (SGS). SGS is an inclusive membership association of diverse individuals and organizations with interests in gerontology. SGS's regional representation includes the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia.

As a stakeholder in one of our states, I wanted to reach out to you and let you know that our Call for Abstracts for our 2022 Annual Conference has opened. Our conference will take place April 5 - 9, 2022 at the Sheraton Panama City Beach Golf & Spa Resort. We know there is amazing work happening across our region and invite you to share yours with our attendees. You can learn more about the Annual Conference here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/southerngerontologicalsociety.org/meeting.html__;!!PhOWcWs!i9SS3U4C3QnIudO41P0BakxjQoKLLytDSiB3Dn1b6v3R-4n-ct_Wy5dBPf18JJicuJ4$>. Our Call for Abstracts closes November 30, 2021. In addition to professional submissions, we encourage students to submit their work for consideration. We have several student awards including a travel scholarship. You can learn more about our student awards and scholarship here (as well as all our awards) here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/southerngerontologicalsociety.org/awards.html__;!!PhOWcWs!i9SS3U4C3QnIudO41P0BakxjQoKLLytDSiB3Dn1b6v3R-4n-ct_Wy5dBPf18O5-bCG4$>.

If you are interested in reaching our members and attendees as a sponsor, we have many opportunities and will happily customize a package based on your needs. I have attached some more information and you can learn more here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/southerngerontologicalsociety.org/meeting-sponsorship.html__;!!PhOWcWs!i9SS3U4C3QnIudO41P0BakxjQoKLLytDSiB3Dn1b6v3R-4n-ct_Wy5dBPf18N6EkgI0$>.

While we are hopeful that we will be able to provide a safe in-person experience, we are monitoring the pandemic situation and will make changes to our conference format if needed. Should any changes be made, we will work with accepted presenters and sponsor to adjust their participation as appropriate.

If you would like to keep up with the latest conference information as well as other SGS updates, you can join our email list here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/PwIb3A9__;!!PhOWcWs!i9SS3U4C3QnIudO41P0BakxjQoKLLytDSiB3Dn1b6v3R-4n-ct_Wy5dBPf181ITMmpI$>.

Lastly, if you would like to learn more about if being a member of SGS would be a good fit for you or your organization, please visit our membership page<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/southerngerontologicalsociety.org/membership.html__;!!PhOWcWs!i9SS3U4C3QnIudO41P0BakxjQoKLLytDSiB3Dn1b6v3R-4n-ct_Wy5dBPf18QB_ynx8$>.

If you have any questions about our conference, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I would love to learn more about your work.

Thank you for your time,

Amanda James
Executive Director
Southern Gerontological Society
admin at southerngerontologicalsociety.org<mailto:admin at southerngerontologicalsociety.org>

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