[Isl] Friendly reminder: Virtual Grad Student Luncheon with Dr. Bo Xie & Faculty Staff Zoom appts with her on Thurs. May 13th

Callie Kindelsperger cperson at fsu.edu
Tue Apr 20 08:36:30 EDT 2021

Hi folks,

This is just a friendly reminder that if you're interested in setting up a one-on-one Zoom session with our ISL Spring Speaker Dr. Bo Xie on Thursday May 13th prior to her talk, to please email me directly and I would be happy to set up that appointment for you. Also, we will be hosting our grad student luncheon via Zoom on Thursday, May 13th, from 12-1pm Eastern Standard Time as part of our ISL Spring Speaker, Dr. Bo Xie's presentation/virtual visit on this day.

Please tell your grad students & postdocs if they are interested in attending to email me at cperson at fsu.edu<mailto:cperson at fsu.edu> if they are interested in attending so I can add them to our attendance list. The link to join is also featured below:

Grad Student Luncheon with ISL Spring Speaker, Dr. Bo Xie, Thursday May 13th, 12-1pm EST

Meeting ID: 998 2545 6639
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,99825456639# US (Washington DC) 13126266799,,99825456639#
+US (Chicago)

We look forward to seeing you there!

Callie Kindelsperger
Institute for Successful Longevity
Florida State University
Email: cperson at fsu.edu
Phone: 850-644-8571

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