[Isl] FW: Florida Census RDC

Neil Charness charness at psy.fsu.edu
Thu Apr 15 12:42:28 EDT 2021

Hi Folks:

See below for a new initiative that would make it much easier to access protected federal data sets.  Best, Neil

Neil Charness, Ph.D., William G. Chase Professor of Psychology
Director, Institute for Successful Longevity www.isl.fsu.edu
Department of Psychology, Florida State University
1107 West Call Street, Tallahassee, Florida, USA 32306-4301
Phone (office): 850-644-6686; Fax: 850-644-7739
E-mail: charness at psy.fsu.eduhttp://www.psy.fsu.edu/~charness/
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Due to Florida’s very broad public records law, most written business communications to or from FSU staff and/or any public college or university employee are public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this e-mail communication may be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Horner <mhorner at fsu.edu> 
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2021 12:39 PM
To: Keith Ihlanfeldt <kihlanfeldt at fsu.edu>; Anastasia Semykina <asemykina at fsu.edu>; Elwood Carlson <ecarlson at admin.fsu.edu>; Karin Brewster <brewster at admin.fsu.edu>; John Reynolds <jrreynolds at fsu.edu>; Carl Schmertmann <schmert at admin.fsu.edu>; Brian Stults <bstults at fsu.edu>; Christopher Uejio <christopher.uejio at med.fsu.edu>; Mathew Hauer <mehauer at fsu.edu>; David Cooper <djcooper at fsu.edu>; Carl Kitchens <ckitchens at fsu.edu>; Mark Isaac <misaac at fsu.edu>; Samuel Staley <sstaley at fsu.edu>; Mackenzie Alston <malston at fsu.edu>; Shawn Kantor <skantor at fsu.edu>; Svetlana Pevnitskaya <spevnitskaya at fsu.edu>; Michael Duncan <mdduncan at fsu.edu>; Christopher Coutts <ccoutts at fsu.edu>; Li Fang <lfang3 at fsu.edu>; Jeff Brown <jrbrown3 at fsu.edu>; John Felkner <jfelkner at fsu.edu>; Minjee Kim <m.kim at fsu.edu>; Anne Barrett <abarrett at fsu.edu>; Amy Burdette <aburdette at fsu.edu>; Dawn Carr <dccarr at fsu.edu>; Katrinell Davis <Katrinell.Davis at fsu.edu>; Miles Taylor <mtaylor3 at fsu.edu>; Patricia Homan <phoman at fsu.edu>; Michael McFarland <mmcfarland at fsu.edu>; Miles Taylor <mtaylor3 at fsu.edu>; John Taylor <jrtaylor at admin.fsu.edu>; Kathryn Tillman <ktillman at fsu.edu>; Miranda Waggoner <mwaggoner at fsu.edu>; Sandy Wong <swong at fsu.edu>; Brad Gomez <bgomez at fsu.edu>; Charles Barrilleaux <cbarrilleaux at fsu.edu>; William Berry <wberry at fsu.edu>; Keon-Hyung Lee <klee2 at fsu.edu>; Tian Tang <ttang4 at fsu.edu>; Frances Berry <fberry at fsu.edu>; Eren Erman Ozguven <eozguven at eng.famu.fsu.edu>; John Sobanjo <sobanjo at eng.famu.fsu.edu>; Neil Charness <charness at psy.fsu.edu>
Cc: Joseph Grzywacz <jgrzywacz at fsu.edu>; Timothy Chapin <tchapin at fsu.edu>; L Kateri Kitchens <lkitchens at fsu.edu>; James Elsner <jelsner at fsu.edu>
Subject: Florida Census RDC

Dear Faculty,

As some of you have heard, FSU, in partnership with UF as the project lead, has secured funding from the National Science Foundation for starting a secure Federal Statistical Research Data Center (RDC). Dr. 
Joe Grzywacz (College of Human Sciences) and I are the project leads here at FSU. The Florida RDC facility will be housed at UF in Gainesville and is anticipated to be operational later in 2021. An overview of the planned center can be found here:


UF has developed a job advertisement for an RDC administrator, which is attached to this email. Feel free to distribute the notice as you see fit.

Utilization of the new facility at UF will be encouraged via multiple approaches. Among the RDC’s plans are the creation of a seed grant program aimed at facilitating access to the new facility, and it is possible that the seed grant program might assign some priority to graduate student-led research. These discussions are still ongoing and more information will be forthcoming. A summary of the data available from RDCs may be found here:


I know several folks had ideas for possible research projects that they might undertake if they had access to these protected data. As we move forward, I would be happy to discuss where you are with these project ideas and if the topics remain of interest to you. At that same time, I’d be keen to know about additional ideas faculty might have for utilizing Census RDC resources to access protected data.

Thank you for your time. Please feel free to share this update with anyone you feel I may have missed on the email, and do not hesitate to contact me directly with any follow up questions or concerns. More information will be forthcoming as additional details of the RDC and its programs take shape.


Mark W. Horner, Ph.D.
U.S. co-Editor, Transportation
Professor, Department of Geography
Associate Dean for Research, College of Social
   Sciences and Public Policy
The Florida State University
Room 323 Bellamy Bldg.
113 Collegiate Loop
PO Box 3062190
Tallahassee Fl 32306-2190

Voice: 850.644.8377
Fax:   850.644.5913
Internet:  http://www.markwhorner.com

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