[Isl] Important Notices, Student Research Day, Planning Grants website & Transportation Day

Callie Kindelsperger cperson at fsu.edu
Thu Feb 13 09:36:24 EST 2020

Hi all,

Good morning all,

I have a few important updates for everyone this morning.

  1.  This is just a reminder that if you have any grad students you are working with, we are interested in having them present on our Student Poster Research Day upcoming on Friday March 27th, from 2pm-5pm, we have reserved the 2nd floor Atrium in the Psychology Building, so if you have students that are interested, if you could please email me their names,  I can add them to a list and we can start to get a head count of how many students to expect.  We are hosting a $750 Esther and Del Grosser Scholarship award for student research in addition to a prize (to be determined) for best poster. I've attached the letter that we're circulating out to our Affiliates members to give to their students if they are interested in applying. The deadline to turn in the information to me is March 6th.
     *   The required information is required for students interested in the scholarship:

                                                               i.      A one-page letter from the student indicating how their research contributes to the Institute's mission, as outlined in the "Our Goals" section of the ISL web site: www.isl.fsu.edu.

                                                             ii.      A letter of recommendation from you, the student's advisor, highlighting the student's accomplishments and why you believe that they merit the award.

                                                           iii.      The student's CV.

                                                           iv.      We're asking the students to combine all the documents into a single PDF file and send them to me via email. I have attached the list of instructions to circulate to your graduate students.

2.)  Our 2020 Planning Grants website is now up and running.  We are pleased to announce that our ISL Planning Grants website is now up and running and ready to accept applications. The application deadline for Spring 2020 is March 23, 2020 at 11:59 pm. Please note that once the deadline passes, we will not accept any other applications. When you are submitting your documents for submission, please note that once all of your documents on the checklist have been submitted, and you click "Submit Application" the program will NOT allow you to make any changes, so if you expect to be needing to make revisions to documents, it is advisable that you save your sessions and be certain that everything is the way you want it before you hit the final submit for your application.

Important Dates to keep in Mind:
*         Application Deadline: March 23, 2020, 11:59 p.m.
*         Award notification: May 1st, 2020
*         Award Period: May 14, 2020 - May 15, 2020

The projects must be interdisciplinary. FSU Faculty members must team up with someone outside of their department.  Here is the link: https://isl-fsu.us.fluidreview.com/  We encourage everyone to log in with their FSU credentials. If you have any questions or concerns about the application process, don't hesitate to reach out to me via email, as that is the fastest and most effective way to reach me as I check it often.

And 3) FSU-FAMU's Transportation Day is upcoming, April 17th from 9am-3pm at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. ISL will be staffing a table at this event. I will unfortunately be out of town on this day and we are needing someone to help staff our table, so we are putting out a call for interested volunteers. If you are interested in helping at this event, please email me so I can put you on a sign-up sheet!

Thank you,

Callie Kindelsperger
Institute for Successful Longevity
Florida State University
Email: cperson at fsu.edu<mailto:cperson at fsu.edu>
Phone: 850-644-8571

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