[Isl] FW: [Robert L. Kane Endowed Chair in Long-Term Care and Aging] Call for Applications: The 2020-2021 Robert L. Kane Graduate Scholarship of Excellence in Long-Term Care (6/1/20)

Neil Charness charness at psy.fsu.edu
Mon Feb 10 10:13:16 EST 2020

Hi Folks:

Below is a scholarship option that might be relevant for one of your Master’s or PhD students interested in the long-term care area.

Best, Neil

Neil Charness, Ph.D., William G. Chase Professor of Psychology
Director, Institute for Successful Longevity www.isl.fsu.edu<http://www.isl.fsu.edu/>
Department of Psychology, Florida State University
1107 West Call Street, Tallahassee, Florida, USA 32306-4301
Phone (office): 850-644-6686; Fax: 850-644-7739
E-mail: charness at psy.fsu.edu<mailto:charness at psy.fsu.edu>; http://www.psy.fsu.edu/~charness/

Please Note:
Due to Florida’s very broad public records law, most written business communications to or from FSU staff and/or any public college or university employee are public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this e-mail communication may be subject to public disclosure.

From: Joseph E. Gaugler, PhD <gaug0015 at umn.edu>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2020 9:31 AM
To: gaug0015 <gaug0015 at umn.edu>
Cc: Ann Emery <carl0219 at umn.edu>
Subject: [Robert L. Kane Endowed Chair in Long-Term Care and Aging] Call for Applications: The 2020-2021 Robert L. Kane Graduate Scholarship of Excellence in Long-Term Care (6/1/20)

[Image removed by sender.]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us4.mailchimp.com/mctx/clicks?url=https*3A*2F*2Fwww.sph.umn.edu*2Fresearch*2Faging-work-group*2Fltc-chair*2Fthe-robert-l-kane-graduate-scholarship-of-excellence-in-long-term-care*2F&h=1d55985a5cdca3b4f41768658402c522b4799a1d9076d7024ce1b7141f783d55&v=1&xid=030e057aa1&uid=128972798&pool=&subject=__;JSUlJSUlJSU!!PhOWcWs!kisMZuTN3XX_s2QBV2g3yvP3G9JQSG-qs7OVak9QGM6zgTZ6srEkyQ0X56MJefGaYbk$>
Call for Applications

The Robert L. Kane Endowed Chair in Long-Term Care and Aging (LTC Chair) is pleased to announce the Robert L. Kane Graduate Scholarship in Excellence in Long-Term Care for 2020–2021. The mission of the LTC Chair is to advance excellence in long-term care (defined as “an array of informal and formal community-based and residential services offered to those with chronic conditions and/or functional limitations over time;” Gaugler, 2016, p. 422)  and shape the practice, policy, and pedagogy of this critical area of focus. The Chair was explicitly founded to achieve excellence in long-term care by collaborating with those in the “field,” i.e., the many innovators throughout Minnesota who have established the state as a leader in long-term care.

The Robert L. Kane Graduate Scholarship of Excellence in Long-Term Care (LTC Scholarship) will provide $40,000 during the 2020–2021 academic year for University of Minnesota Master’s-level or professional doctorate students who are fully committed to pursuing a professional career in long term care following the completion of their degrees.

[Image removed by sender.]  Application deadline: June 1, 2020.
[Image removed by sender.]  Apply: http://bit.ly/ltc scholar<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/bit.ly/ltcscholar__;!!PhOWcWs!kisMZuTN3XX_s2QBV2g3yvP3G9JQSG-qs7OVak9QGM6zgTZ6srEkyQ0X56MJGRrJQXY$>

For questions contact Ann Emery, carl0219 at umn.edu<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us4.mailchimp.com/mctx/clicks?url=http*3A*2F*2Fcarl0219*40umn.edu&h=07fd8264e521fd4b58ce428202f48b3c34077e7e84057d0eff6b61b44481aef1&v=1&xid=030e057aa1&uid=128972798&pool=&subject=__;JSUlJQ!!PhOWcWs!kisMZuTN3XX_s2QBV2g3yvP3G9JQSG-qs7OVak9QGM6zgTZ6srEkyQ0X56MJ3gwcBNY$>, 612-626-9515.

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