[Isl] Thank you

Phoebe Kurtz kurtz at psy.fsu.edu
Thu Feb 28 08:00:52 EST 2019


                This email is to inform you that I will be vacating my position here at ISL at the end of the day today. Thank you all for the multitude of exchanges and learning opportunities you have provided over these past few months. I regret that this will likely be my last exchange with many of you, but I hope that I will see you all around Tallahassee and our beautiful FSU campus. An email notice will be sent to you all when a replacement has been hired. Until this position is filled, please email the isl at fsu.edu<mailto:isl at fsu.edu> email address with any ISL related questions, and Bill and Dr. Charness (cc'd on this email) will get back to you as quickly as possible. Please also be advised that the ISL phone number (850-644-8571) will not be manned until the position is filled, so if you need to speak to someone, call Bill or Dr. Charness directly. Please note that I will no longer be checking this email on a regular basis.

In the meantime...Affiliates,
Please do your best to update your CVs so that they are ready in August/September for the Annual Report. You all may receive periodic ISL update emails from myself as I have numerous on auto-delayed delivery, but I will not be actively monitoring these. These reminders are about ISL Planning Grants<https://isl-fsu.us.fluidreview.com/>, the AFU survey<https://survey.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dgRxrUZLqYm9yYt>, etc. Please do your best to keep these deadlines in your calendar just in case my reminders do not send. I will not be able to provide assistance on these items after I vacate this position, but Bill and Dr. Charness can. When the new Admin Assistant takes over, I hope that you all will be as helpful to them as you were to me. I hope the rest of your semesters go well. Thank you again.

Phoebe Kurtz
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