[Isl] ISL Affiliates Meeting, Thurs Sept 5th, 4pm-5pm-Friendly Reminder

Michelle Kazmer mkazmer at fsu.edu
Tue Aug 27 13:57:44 EDT 2019


I would like to remain affiliated with ISL; during Fall 2018 I didn’t do my annual reporting but that was a decision made with the support of Phoebe and Dr. Charness as I had some substantial personal challenges. My FEAS is up to date, though, and I have just taken on a new role with the CTSA effort @ the College of Medicine, so I’d very much like also to stay affiliated with ISL. THAT SAID: I’ll be in England on September 5 (which is why I didn’t fill out the poll, I knew my availability was terrible right now). THANKS :-). 

--Michelle / 850-559-2421 / mkazmer at fsu.edu

Michelle M. Kazmer, Ph.D.
Professor, School of Information
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development & Advancement, College of Communication & Information
Florida State University

> On Aug 27, 2019, at 1:54 PM, Callie Kindelsperger via Isl <isl at lists.fsu.edu> wrote:
> Good afternoon, 
> This is just a friendly reminder that our Affiliates Meeting is coming up next Thurs. Sept 5th from 4pm-5pm. If you plan to be in attendance, please email me and let me know if you will be needing a parking pass or not. For those who cannot attend, I will be sending out the PowerPoint and Minutes after the meeting.
> Thank you, 
> Callie Kindelsperger
> Institute for Successful Longevity
> Florida State University
> Email: cperson at fsu.edu  
> Phone: 850-644-8571 
> <ISL Affiliates Meeting  Thurs Sept 5th  4pm-5pm.ics><Affiliates Agenda, Sept 5th, 4-5pm PDB Room 206.docx>_______________________________________________
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