[Isl] FW: Please Share: Upcoming OPD Workshop on Budgets for Grant Proposals

Neil Charness charness at psy.fsu.edu
Tue Aug 6 13:08:14 EDT 2019

Hi Folks:

For those interested in how to budget for a grant, see below.

Best, Neil

Neil Charness, Ph.D., William G. Chase Professor of Psychology
Director, Institute for Successful Longevity www.isl.fsu.edu<http://www.isl.fsu.edu/>
Department of Psychology, Florida State University
1107 West Call Street, Tallahassee, Florida, USA 32306-4301
Phone (office): 850-644-6686; Fax: 850-644-7739
E-mail: charness at psy.fsu.edu<mailto:charness at psy.fsu.edu>; http://www.psy.fsu.edu/~charness/

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Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written business communications to or from FSU staff and/or any public college or university employee are public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this e-mail communication may be subject to public disclosure.

From: OPD <opd-bounces at lists.fsu.edu> On Behalf Of OPD DDDC via OPD
Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2019 9:05 AM
To: opd at lists.fsu.edu
Subject: [OPD] Please Share: Upcoming OPD Workshop on Budgets for Grant Proposals

Good morning Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs,

Please share this fantastic workshop opportunity with your faculty. Thank you!

Upcoming OPD Workshop:

Figuring Out Funding: How to Create a Budget for a Research Grant Proposal
Putting together a budget can be a daunting task, especially when you are new to grant writing. Please come to this "hands-on" workshop, where we will walk through the mechanics of putting together a budget and answer your questions. This workshop will be co-facilitated by the Office of Research's Director of Business Operations Jenn Garye and Grants Officer Laura Schaecher from Sponsored Research Administration.

When: Tuesday, August 13th, 3:30 - 4:30 PM
Where: Global and Multicultural Engagement Building (GME), 2500 (map<https://www.google.com/maps/place/Global+and+Multicultural+Engagement,+110+S+Woodward+Ave,+Tallahassee,+FL+32306/@30.4408838,-84.2991225,18.75z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x88ecf50e56a3c6b5:0x20a16c5abb21796f!8m2!3d30.4407857!4d-84.2985584>)

Click here to register.<https://www.research.fsu.edu/research-offices/opd/events/2019-how-to-create-a-budget-for-a-research-grant-proposal/>

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.


Evangeline G. Ciupek
Training & Resource Specialist
Office of Proposal Development
Florida State University
eciupek at fsu.edu<mailto:eciupek at fsu.edu>

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