[HRMS] Timekeeping Guidance for University Closure
HR Important Message
HR-FSUimportantmessage at fsu.edu
Fri Jan 24 09:50:10 EST 2025
[A close-up of a logo Description automatically generated]
An important message from FSU Office of Human Resources
This message has been approved by Christine Conley, Director of Benefits & Leave, for distribution to all Department Representatives.
Department Representatives and Supervisors: Please read the following message in its entirety.
Due to inclement weather, FSU's Tallahassee campus was closed beginning Tuesday, January 21, 2025, and will resume operations at 5:00 am on Monday, January 27, 2025. Below is guidance on handling timekeeping and managing the hours worked due to the closure.
When and why does FSU provide Administrative Leave for the closure?
Administrative Leave (Admin Leave) for university closures compensates employees prevented from working due to the closure to make them whole to their daily scheduled hours. Salaried employees (USPS, A&P, Executive Service, and Faculty) normally scheduled to work at a campus location closed on January 21 - January 24 may receive Administrative Leave equivalent to their established scheduled hours. Departments and employees must enter Administrative Leave Taken - ADMHT on their timesheets with the override code CLOSE.
How much Administrative Leave should be entered on my timesheet for January 21 - 24, 2025?
Employees with an established work schedule on the main Tallahassee campus are generally provided 8 hours of Administrative Leave each closure day (see examples below). Employees with an altered work schedule will be provided Administrative Leave based on their established work schedule.
Reporting Administrative Leave for the workweeks of January 17 - 23 and January 24 - 30 Pay Period 'P':
Elapsed Timesheet
[cid:image003.png at 01DB6E43.CB84E4F0]
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Punch Timesheet
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Employees designated as Essential Personnel
Employees designated by their Dean, Director, Department Head, or designee as Essential Critical Personnel or Medium Priority Personnel should report the correct hours worked during the closure. The compensation of Essential Personnel is contingent upon an employee's FLSA classification, pay band, and essential personnel designation level as outlined in the Essential Personnel Classification & Compensation<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpolicies.vpfa.fsu.edu%2Fpolicies-and-procedures%2Ffaculty-staff%2Fattendance-and-leave%23E13&data=05%7C02%7Chrms%40lists.fsu.edu%7C618722cb9b5245414ecb08dd3c8666aa%7Ca36450ebdb0642a78d1b026719f701e3%7C0%7C0%7C638733270143500423%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=WbB806eK%2BoSBBdwOEmDpL29qDEFcsaNh9FwJfBs5ZD4%3D&reserved=0> policy.
Nonexempt Essential Critical Personnel
Nonexempt employees designated as Essential Critical Personnel should report hours worked with the time reporting code Campus Closure Hours Worked - CCRHP and Administrative Leave Taken (ADMHT) on their timesheets with the override code CLOSE.
Below is an example of a USPS nonexempt Essential Critical employee who worked 4.5 hours on 1/22/25:
[A screenshot of a calendar Description automatically generated]
Exempt Essential On-site Critical Personnel and Medium Priority Personnel
Exempt employees in pay bands 1 - 10 designated as Essential Critical Personnel or Medium Priority Personnel should report Straight-time Comp Earned - REGCE for hours worked and Administrative Leave Taken (ADMHT) on their timesheets with the override code CLOSE.
Below is an example of an A&P-exempt Essential Critical employee who worked 3 hours on 1/21/25:
[cid:image008.png at 01DB6E43.CB84E4F0]
Nonexempt On-site Medium Priority Personnel
Nonexempt employees designated as Medium Priority Personnel or approved to work more than the required number of hours in the workweek can report Straight-time Comp Earned - REGCE and Administrative Leave Taken (ADMHT). Generally, the required number of hours for the week of 1/17 - 1/23 is 8, and 32 for the week of 1/24 - 1/30. Nonexempt employees not designated as Medium Priority or not approved to work more than the required hours should have their Administrative Leave reduced.
Below is an example of a USPS nonexempt Medium Priority employee approved to work 3 hours on 1/21/25:
[cid:image009.png at 01DB6E43.CB84E4F0]
Below is an example of a USPS nonexempt employee who was approved to work an additional 1.5 hours on Friday but did not work during the closure:
The punches or justification for the additional hour worked may be logged in the comments.
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What do I do with OPS Employees?
Per University Policy, OPS employees are not eligible to receive Administrative Leave.
* OPS Nonexempt Employees (paid for time worked) do not receive Administrative Leave. Only hours worked on January 21-24 should be reported on the timesheet.
* OPS Exempt Employees (Grad Assistants/Adjuncts/OPS Faculty) do not report time on their timesheets. If the employee is funded on January 21-24, their compensation for the week will not be impacted.
Other Time Reporting Examples
Workers' Compensation
Since most employees receive Workers' Compensation for approximately two-thirds of their wages, their Administrative Leave will be proportional and generally will be 2.75. See the elapsed timesheet example below for the first workweek:
Workers Comp - WKCHT
Sick Leave Taken - SKCHT
Administrative Leave - CLOSE
Holiday - HOLHT
Family and Medical Leave
If an employee is on continuous Parental Leave with FMLA, they must report PARLV and FMLAT for the Administrative Closure. The corresponding leave code can be sick leave, vacation leave, straight-time compensatory leave used, overtime compensatory leave used, or leave without pay. See the elapsed timesheet example below for the first workweek:
Family Medical Leave Taken - FMLAT
Administrative Leave - CLOSE
Sick Leave Taken - SKCHT
Questions? Please contact an HR Attendance & Leave representative<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fhr.fsu.edu%2F%3Fpage%3Dabout_hr%2Fcontact%2Fcontact%26group%3Dsection&data=05%7C02%7Chrms%40lists.fsu.edu%7C618722cb9b5245414ecb08dd3c8666aa%7Ca36450ebdb0642a78d1b026719f701e3%7C0%7C0%7C638733270147344012%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=IjqzD1KA7novc4v%2FOfMtvHNwjseu%2FxqWhhqOt5AhG5I%3D&reserved=0>.
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