[Fsuteachgrads] Fwd: Sending to our FSU-Teach graduates: Funded Science Education Ph.D. opportunities at FSU

Robin Smith smith at bio.fsu.edu
Wed Sep 14 08:29:02 EDT 2022

FYI from Dr. Jaber below.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Sending to our FSU-Teach graduates: Funded Science Education 
Ph.D. opportunities at FSU
Date: 	Tue, 13 Sep 2022 23:01:22 -0100
From: 	Lama Ziad Jaber <ljaber at fsu.edu>
To: 	Robin Smith <rrsmith at fsu.edu>
CC: 	Sherry Southerland <ssoutherland at admin.fsu.edu>

Hi Robin,

I hope all is well! I would appreciate your help in sharing the 
announcement below regarding Ph.D. opportunities in science ed with our 
FSU-Teach graduate listserv. Below is a brief description and more 
details can be found in the attached flyer.

Many thanks!



Dear Graduates,

The Science Education research group at *Florida State University**is 
seeking Ph.D. Students *to join our ranks**through*funded opportunities 
*via scholarships and research grants. We are currently welcoming 
applications with*full financial support* through research and teaching 
assistantships funded by the School of Teacher Education and/or through 
one of these National Science Foundation (NSF) funded projects:

●*/BRITE Girls Online STEM Practices: Building Relevance and Identity to 
Transform Experiences/* 
Roxanne Hughes)/. /*

●*/CAREER: Developing Elementary Teachers’ Self-Efficacy to Teach about 
Climate Change Using Community-based Practices/* 
Amal Ibourk)/./*

●*/CAREER: Cultivating Teachers’ Epistemic Empathy to Promote Responsive 
Lama Jaber)/./ *

To learn more about the program and about these opportunities, please 
check out the attached flyer and feel free to reach out to any of the 
listed science education faculty. Please share with your networks and 
with anyone who might be interested.

Lama Z. Jaber, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Science Education

School of Teacher Education and FSU-Teach

Florida State University

1114 W. Call St

G119 Stone Building

Tallahassee, FL 32306
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