[Fsuteachgrads] Job Openings @ Fairview Middle

Abria Harris abria.j.harris at gmail.com
Thu May 26 15:41:43 EDT 2022

A Note from Jennifer Cameron:

I just wanted to share that Fairview Middle School has a few math and
science positions open! If you have any FSU-Teach graduates looking for a
job. J We would love to expand our Falcon family.

The positions are

-         IB 6th grade Math

-         8th grade science

-         IB 8th grade Biology

Spread the word! The positions are advertised on the Leon County job

Take care!

*Jennifer Cameron*

6th Grade Science

Science Department Chair

Fairview Middle School

*Abria J. Harris, Ed.D.*
FSU-Teach Clinical Faculty
1021 Atomic Way
MCH 209
P.O. Box 3094482
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-4482
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