[Fsuteachgrads] Second chance: $$$$

Logan Chalfant lchalfant at fsu.edu
Fri Jan 28 09:50:56 EST 2022


    I know that you're busy, so I wanted to give you another chance to respond to the following $$$$ opportunity.

Dear graduates,

Are you interested in earning a subsidized master’s degree?

Are you interested in $10,000 a year to build onto your skillset for serving under-resourced students?

We would like to gauge your interest in the Robert Noyce Master Teacher Fellowship program.   If this opportunity is attractive to enough of you, we will proceed with writing a grant proposal to NSF.   Here are the details:

 Requirements to RECEIVE a Master Teacher Fellowship:

  *   The recipient must possess a master’s degree in Education/STEM or must have completed the first year of a master’s degree in Education/STEM.

  *   The recipient must be certified and currently teaching a STEM subject in a public school.  The school, or district, must be designated as high needs.   (See the definition of “high needs” at the end of this communication.)

Requirements UPON BECOMING a Master Teacher Fellow:

  *   The recipient must serve as a full time STEM teacher in a high needs district for a total of five years. Service must be completed within seven years of becoming a Master Teaching Fellow.  (See the following definition of a “high needs district.” )

  *   The recipient must take on a leadership role within the school.  (Leadership role examples:  Mentoring, participating in curriculum development, assisting in the planning and implementation of professional development experiences, or participating in pre-service teacher education).

Recipient benefits:

  *   Tuition is provided for the final year of the master’s degree.  (The degree must be completed within the first year of the Fellowship.)

  *   An annual salary supplement of $10,000 per year, for each year of participation.  The supplement will be conferred for four years if the recipient received tuition for their final year of study; it will be conferred for five years if the recipient already possessed a master’s degree prior to receiving the award.


  *   If the requirements of the fellowship are not met, received funds must be repaid.

Definition of “high needs district”:

    If your school is not high needs, you may still be able to qualify for the Master Teacher Fellowship!   Are you in a district that has at least one school that meets at least one qualification from each of the following lists?  Note: It’s OK to move to a new school/district as long as it too meets this definition of “high needs”.

Criteria set 1 -

o   Twenty percent, or more, of the children served are from low-income families.

o   The school is eligible for funding under the Small, Rural School Achievement Program.

o   The school is eligible for funding under the Rural and Low-Income School Program

         Criteria set 2 -

o   There is a high percentage of teachers not teaching in the academic subject areas, or grade level, in which they were trained/certified.

o   There is a high teacher turnover rate or a high percentage of teachers with emergency, provisional, or temporary certification/licensure.

Think about it!

                                                           - the FSU-Teach team

Please email Logan Chalfant (lchalfant at fsu.edu) if you are interested in this opportunity.

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