[Fsuteachgrads] Science Teachers

Karen Rose kr04 at fsu.edu
Thu Feb 24 14:25:45 EST 2022

Wildflowers and classroom resources for Florida schools are provided through this program. Grants include 12 to 15 native wildflower plants, classroom resources and professional guidance on garden establishment. Grants are awarded in late June; plants are shipped in September in time for the new school year. Teachers who are awarded grants are eligible to receive more wildflowers in the spring if fall gardens are successfully established and cared for.

The 2022 Seedlings for Schools application period will accept applications between March 1-May 31.

Seedlings for Schools - Florida Wildflower Foundation<https://www.flawildflowers.org/seedlings-for-schools/>
Wildflowers and classroom resources for Florida schools are provided through this program. Grants include 12 to 15 native wildflower plants, classroom resources and professional guidance on garden establishment.

Karen Rose, Ph.D.
FSU-Teach Clinical Faculty
209 MCH
1021 Atomic Way
P.O. Box 3064482
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Fl 32306-4482
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