[Fsuteachgrads] Fwd: [USEA] Induction/PD Working Group Meeting this Monday 10/18

Robin Smith smith at bio.fsu.edu
Mon Oct 18 08:51:27 EDT 2021

Sorry for the late notice, but I hope some of you can attend this zoom 
to weigh in on your induction or professional development needs.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[USEA] Induction/PD Working Group Meeting this Monday 10/18
Date: 	Fri, 15 Oct 2021 03:36:00 +0000
From: 	Elizabeth Goldberg <elizabeth.goldberg at utrgv.edu>
To: 	Allen, Kelli R <allen at uteach.utexas.edu>, Angela Renee Rowe 
<a.rowe at moreheadstate.edu>, Anisha M Campbell <amcamp10 at umd.edu>, 
Burniske, Jackie <burniske at uteach.utexas.edu>, Carey Walls 
<carey.walls at utsa.edu>, Distin, Kim <kimd at utdallas.edu>, Elias, Pamela 
Garrison <elias at uteach.utexas.edu>, Ellis, Jennifer 
<Jennifer-T-Ellis at utc.edu>, erin.foley at clovered.org 
<erin.foley at clovered.org>, Glenn H Waddell <gwaddell at unr.edu>, James 
Telese <james.telese at utrgv.edu>, Jana Redfield <jredfield at sfasu.edu>, 
Jennifer Ellis <Jennifer-Ellis at utc.edu>, Jones, Kenneth 
<jones_kenneth at columbusstate.edu>, Karen Rose <kr04 at fsu.edu>, Kate OHara 
<k.ohara60 at csuohio.edu>, Kirkland, Pamela <pam.kirkland at utdallas.edu>, 
Lewis, Sumudu R <Sumudu_Lewis at uml.edu>, Manuel, Mariam 
<mamanuel at central.uh.edu>, Mara Zapata <mzapata at fiu.edu>, Mariam Manuel 
<mamanuel at uh.edu>, Marsha Scott <mscott at uta.edu>, Mary Diane Johnson 
<mdjohnson6 at moreheadstate.edu>, Robin Smith <smith at bio.fsu.edu>, Robin 
Smith <rrsmith at fsu.edu>, Umadevi Garimella <ugarimel at uca.edu>, Urquhart, 
Mary L <urquhart at utdallas.edu>, Maria Campitelli <majocampi at gmail.com>

Hey Everyone,

Thank you to everyone who came to last month’s USEA Induction/PD Working 
Group Meeting. Our next meeting is this *Monday 10/18 from 4:30-5:30 
p.m. CT*. We made the meeting later in the day so more alumni could join 
us. Please reach out to your alumni and encourage them to come. We would 
love to hear their perspectives and needs.

*Meeting Zoom link*: https://utrgv.zoom.us/j/7668183293 
*USEA Induction/PD Teams channel:* https://tinyurl.com/3nns2thm 
*USEA Induction/PD Google doc*: https://tinyurl.com/4htna8vy 

Take Care and Stay Safe,

*Elizabeth Goldberg*
Assistant Professor in Practice
Science Master Teacher
UTeach — College of Science
Office 956-665-2174 <tel:+1-956-665-2174>

Brownsville • Edinburg • Harlingen

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