[Fsuteachgrads] printable posters

Robin Smith rrsmith at fsu.edu
Tue Mar 9 11:04:31 EST 2021

That's fantastic!  Did you just start in January? Are you in person or 

On 3/9/2021 10:17 AM, Kari Lawrence via Fsuteachgrads wrote:
> Thanks so much! After a couple years of fun I just got back into the 
> classroom. Im teaching ap bio, environment science, and anatomy at 
> empower college prep in Phoenix AZ!
> Kari Lawrence
> Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Note9, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Karen Rose via Fsuteachgrads <fsuteachgrads at lists.fsu.edu>
> Date: 2/23/21 8:24 AM (GMT-07:00)
> To: FSU-Teach Graduates <fsuteachgrads at lists.fsu.edu>
> Cc: Karen Rose <kr04 at fsu.edu>
> Subject: [Fsuteachgrads] printable posters
> Good Morning!
> Please see the link below for printable posters.  The posters are set 
> up to print as 11x14, but you can use the snipping tool and print them 
> out on an 8 1/2 x11 sheet.
> https://www.learningforjustice.org/classroom-resources/one-world-posters 
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.learningforjustice.org/classroom-resources/one-world-posters__;!!Epnw_ITfSMW4!54i4ZtNSngAVr-pD64-W9wMaOpVitZI5mqrWsHcZ9aHMpopTiB0Tim0K09KQ8p7_bQ$>
> Be Well!
> Karen Rose, Ph.D.
> FSU-Teach Clinical Faculty
> 209 MCH
> 1021 Atomic Way
> P.O. Box 3064482
> Florida State University
> Tallahassee, Fl 32306-4482
> 850-644-1935
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> Fsuteachgrads at lists.fsu.edu
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