[Fsuteachgrads] Fw: Summer RET Opportunities

Karen Rose kr04 at fsu.edu
Fri Mar 5 11:39:11 EST 2021

Please see the email from the Mag Lab below. Happy Friday!

Karen Rose, Ph.D.
FSU-Teach Clinical Faculty
209 MCH
1021 Atomic Way
P.O. Box 3064482
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Fl 32306-4482

From: Carlos Villa <villa at magnet.fsu.edu>
Sent: Friday, March 5, 2021 10:30 AM
To: Carlos Villa <educatorsclub at magnet.fsu.edu>
Subject: Summer RET Opportunities

FAST Members,

I have two Summer Research Experience for Teachers (RET) opportunities for you:

1-     The National MagLab is seeking participants for their RET. This year’s program will help accepted applicants to learn how to incorporate culturally responsive teaching and anti-racism strategies into their STEM lessons and curriculum through weekly online meetings with pedagogical experts and scientists and engineers at the MagLab who are experts in both STEM research and translating this research to diverse audiences. The goal of the program is for educators to update their lesson plan/curriculum to utilize in their classrooms during the 2021-2022 school year. Each teacher accepted by the program receives a $3,600 stipend paid at the conclusion of the program. For more info see: https://nationalmaglab.org/education/teachers/professional-development/research-experiences-for-teachers

2-     Applications for the UF Scientist in Every Florida School Summer Professional Development research experience are now open. We are pleased to announce the third annual July professional development workshop for K-12 public school teachers, hosted by the University of Florida Thompson Earth Systems Institute's Scientist in Every Florida School program. This will be hosted virtually via Zoom. During this hands-on and collaborative workshop, scientists and teachers will work together to develop novel and engaging lesson plans. Within the context of Earth systems science, which include the global interactions of air, water, land, and life, this year's PD will focus on the Hydrosphere. Because hydrosphere concepts are taught in most grades, and in many contexts, this PD is open to K-12 teachers. During the PD, you will be paired with a scientific lab that will introduce you to their current research. You will work together with lab members to develop new lesson plans rooted in current research. Funded by the Scientist in Every Florida School Moonshot initiative, this PD is open to public school teachers in all of Florida's 67 counties. Click here to apply.<https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3JWbBJW5cNBfWES>

Carlos R. Villa
Director of K-12 Education Programs

National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Center for Integrating Research & Learning
A scientific facility supported by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida

Florida State University * University of Florida * Los Alamos National Laboratory

1800 East Paul Dirac Drive

Tallahassee, Florida 32310

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