[Fsuteachgrads] Temporary science Teaching Position at FSUS

Robin Smith rrsmith at fsu.edu
Tue Oct 13 08:54:45 EDT 2020

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Teaching Position
Date: 	Tue, 13 Oct 2020 10:44:14 -0200
From: 	Logan Chalfant <lchalfant at fsu.edu>
To: 	Nancy Rosenbaum <Nancy.Rosenbaum at fsu.edu>, Karen Rose 
<kr04 at fsu.edu>, MaLynn Kelso <mkelso at admin.fsu.edu>, Cindy Dyar 
<cdyar at admin.fsu.edu>, Robin Smith <rrsmith at fsu.edu>

Hi, Ms. Rosenbaum!

     I hope that all is well.   We'll post this listing on our graduate 
listserve.  Hopefully we can find someone for you.


Logan Kristy Chalfant
Clinical Faculty in Mathematics & Physics
FSU-Teach, Florida State University
209G Carothers Hall
P.O. box 3064482
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4482
lchalfant at fsu.edu
*From:* Nancy Rosenbaum <Nancy.Rosenbaum at fsu.edu>
*Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2020 4:49 PM
*To:* Karen Rose <kr04 at fsu.edu>; MaLynn Kelso <mkelso at admin.fsu.edu>; 
Cindy Dyar <cdyar at admin.fsu.edu>; Logan Chalfant <lchalfant at fsu.edu>
*Subject:* Teaching Position

FSUS is looking to hire a middle school science teacher from mid-October 
- December to cover a maternity leave. We were wondering if you have any 
former students who may be looking for teaching positions that could be 
a stepping stone into full-time employment? Please let me know as soon 
as possible if you have any students You’d recommend!

I hope you are all doing well!

Thank you!
Nancy Rosenbaum
5th Grade Science Teacher
Florida State University Schools
nancy.rosenbaum at fsu.edu

Please note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written 
communications to or from state/university employees are public records 
and available to the public and media upon request. Your e-mail 
communications may therefore be subject to public disclosure.
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