[Fsuteachgrads] Fwd: Project WILD professional development opportunities

Robin Smith smith at bio.fsu.edu
Fri Nov 22 14:06:58 EST 2019

Great curriculum!

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Project WILD professional development opportunities
Date: 	Fri, 22 Nov 2019 14:00:54 -0500 (EST)
From: 	Carlos Villa <villa at magnet.fsu.edu>
To: 	Carlos Villa <educatorsclub at magnet.fsu.edu>

Hey everyone!

TGIF and happy Turkey Day! I’m passing along a PD that I thought you all 
might be interested in.



Carlos R. Villa
Director of K-12 Education Programs

National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Center for Integrating Research & Learning
A scientific facility supported by the National Science Foundation and 
the State of Florida

Florida State University * University of Florida * Los Alamos National 

1800 East Paul Dirac Drive

Tallahassee, Florida 32310

Office: (850) 644-7191


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