[Fsuteachgrads] science positions at Fairview

Robin Smith smith at bio.fsu.edu
Fri May 24 09:38:45 EDT 2019

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	RE: Clinical Education Training, June 1
Date: 	Fri, 24 May 2019 13:19:19 +0000
From: 	Moran, Michael <moranm at leonschools.net>
To: 	Smith, Robin <smith at bio.fsu.edu>

Thanks, Robin! See you then.

Also, can you please pass along to our graduates that Fairview will be 
looking to fill multiple science positions for next school year? Our 
school is a good option for any local Noyce scholars who need to fulfill 
their title 1 requirements. As of now, there’s going to be at least  6th 
and 7th grade comprehensive science positions open, and possibly more. 
We’d love to add more alumni to the our science department! You can 
share my contact info to anyone who may have any questions J.


*Michael Moran*

*8^th Grade Biology Honors & Comprehensive Science *

*Science Olympiad Coach *

*Fairview Middle School*


*From:*Robin Smith <smith at bio.fsu.edu>
*Sent:* Friday, May 24, 2019 8:37 AM
*To:* Wilder, Meghan <wilderm1 at leonschools.net>; McNair, Amber 
<mcnaira at leonschools.net>; Szostak, Laura <SzostakL at leonschools.net>; 
Moran, Michael <moranm at leonschools.net>; dotmath1 at gmail.com; Wright, 
Ashley <wrighta1 at leonschools.net>; Daniels, Moneek 
<danielsm1 at leonschools.net>; jakob.konner at wcsb.us; Washington-Hopkins, 
Kysha <hopkinsk at leonschools.net>; Hill, Daphne <hilld2 at leonschools.net>; 
",acervera"@tsms.onmicrosoft.com; Early, Regina 
<Earlyr at leonschools.net>; VickersP at gcpsmail.com
*Cc:* MaLynn Kelso <mkelso at bio.fsu.edu>
*Subject:* Clinical Education Training, June 1

*EXTERNAL*- This email originates outside of Leon County Schools



I am so excited you are all interested in taking the one-day clinical 
educator training (CET) course on Saturday, June 1 at FSU.  It will be 
an “intensive, no-frills” foray into all four FLDOE-required modules for 
clinical education training.  That means we're looking at an all-day, 
bring your lunch, hit-the-ground-running kind of experience (read: Don't 
expect a lot of ice breaker, team building types of activities!).  Our 
goal is to provide you with the most important components of each module 
to prepare you for clinical supervision.  That said, you will receive 
the CET manual tomorrow to preview before you arrive (more on that later).

We will hold the training in *Room 423 of the Carothers Bldg*. on the 
FSU campus (map attached).  There is a parking map attached.  We will 
begin the day at *8:30 am*, so I will have plenty of coffee and 
chocolate available throughout the day in case your Friday night ran a 
little late.  We will briefly *break for lunch* between noon and 12:30.  
There are several fast options nearby on Tennessee, but you may want to 
bring a bag lunch in the interest of time.  We have a microwave for 
heating foods.  If all goes well, we should be done by *4:30 pm*.

There will be several follow up activities to complete in order to be 
clinical educator trained.  They are listed at the bottom of the 
*attached agenda*, and more information will be given at the workshop.  
Once they are completed, I will notify Leon County Staff Development (or 
your district) that you have completed the training.

To prepare for the workshop and to make sure it IS only one day, I ask 
that you *skim the manual* ahead of time, jotting down your questions 
and comments to share at the workshop.

Thank you and see you soon!

Robin Smith


Foster Student Understanding - Teach!

www.fsu-teach.fsu.edu  <http://www.fsu-teach.fsu.edu>


Robin R. Smith, Ph. D.

Associate Director, FSU-Teach

209 Carothers Hall

1021 Atomic Way, P. O. Box 3064482

Florida State University

Tallahassee, FL 32306-4482

(850) 645-8927

Fax: (850) 645-8902


Public Records Law. Virtually all written communications to or from 
School Board of Leon County, Florida Personnel are public records 
available to the public and media upon request. E-mail sent or received 
on the LCSB system will be considered public and will only be withheld 
from disclosure if deemed confidential pursuant to State Law. Individual 
student records are deemed confidential.

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