[Fsuteachgrads] FSU-Teach summer workshop

Robin Smith smith at bio.fsu.edu
Wed May 1 11:56:37 EDT 2019

Please pass this on to other graduates. Not all are on the listserv.  
The date is June 18 & 19. Stipend of $200.  RSVP by *May 8* if you are 
interested in attending. We will also be opening this up to all LCS 
science and math teachers.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Announce summer workshop
Date: 	Wed, 1 May 2019 15:44:26 +0000
From: 	Logan Chalfant <lchalfant at fsu.edu>
To: 	Smith, Robin <smith at bio.fsu.edu>
CC: 	Victoria Gardner <vagardner at fsu.edu>, Karen Rose <kr04 at fsu.edu>, 
Cindy Dyar <cdyar at admin.fsu.edu>, Kelso, MaLynn <mkelso at bio.fsu.edu>


     Could you please announce our summer workshop on the Graduate 
Listserve ?  (Please & Thank You.)    We want to give them the first 
option of responding, then we will open the invitation up to our local 
Mentors, etc.

     We discussed giving the graduates a response deadline of 1 week 
after you send it out.  (The flyer is attached.)


        MaLynn, Cindy, Karen, & Logan

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