[Fsuteachgrads] Wakulla County Needs You!

Cindy Dyar cdyar at fsu.edu
Wed Jun 26 11:59:24 EDT 2019

Wakulla High School is hiring a math 5-9 or math 6-12 certified teacher for the 2019-20 school year. Designated an “A” school for the last three years, Wakulla High School offers a rewarding, supportive work environment for teachers and is located in a beautiful coastal community with close proximity to Tallahassee. The teaching load for this position is flexible and dependent on the interests and qualifications of the applicant. If interested, please apply at the link below or contact Principal Michael Barwick at (850) 926-7125 or michael.barwick at wcsb.us<mailto:michael.barwick at wcsb.us> for more information. Thank you!

Link to application: https://ats3.searchsoft.net/ats/job_board_frame?COMPANY_ID=00005633&APPLICANT_TYPE_ID=00000001<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ats3.searchsoft.net_ats_job-5Fboard-5Fframe-3FCOMPANY-5FID-3D00005633-26APPLICANT-5FTYPE-5FID-3D00000001&d=DwMFAg&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=1lkIRAuH3gghTycYHSMRWQ&m=Vx2edN7dvaqkiZ4TJqZjOTspqYb0LecuNAkmOQcziEw&s=EL3zwaFOEw4WoaGSDxIAuDiB9Abr1xWKNqu519qAW1c&e=>

Sherry M. Lohmeyer

Assistant Principal of Instructional Services
Wakulla High School
3237 Coastal Highway
Crawfordville, FL 32327
(850) 926-7125 x8031
850.926.4947 Fax
sherry.lohmeyer at wcsb.us<mailto:sherry.lohmeyer at wcsb.us>
The Wakulla County School District is an Equal Education Opportunity Provider and Employer. Under Florida's "Public Records" law, absent a specific exclusion, written communications to or from Wakulla School District employees are considered public records. E-mail communication with this correspondent may be subject to public and media disclosure upon request.

Cindy Dyar
Florida State University

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