[Fsuteachgrads] Fwd: Re: Science Teacher !!

Robin Smith smith at bio.fsu.edu
Thu Jun 6 08:44:34 EDT 2019

Science teaching jobs in Tallahassee.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Science Teacher !!
Date: 	Thu, 6 Jun 2019 12:23:22 +0000
From: 	Sherry Southerland <ssoutherland at admin.fsu.edu>
To: 	Lama Ziad Jaber <ljaber at fsu.edu>, Ahmet Temel <atemel at tsmas.org>, 
Shannon Davidson <slg13d at my.fsu.edu>
CC: 	Robin Smith <smith at bio.fsu.edu>

Dr.  Temel

Just so I  know where to send this note, what is the grade level(s) 
needs you have in science? Is it more elementary or  secondary?  
  Knowing that can help us be  more directed in who to share this with.

all the best


Sherry A. Southerland
/Anne & John Daves Professor of Science Education/
/Director, School of Education/
/Co-Director, FSU-Teach/
Florida State University
School of Teacher Education, G107
1114 West Call Street,
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4459
(850) 645-4667 <tel:%28850%29%20645-4667>

*From:* Lama Ziad Jaber
*Sent:* Wednesday, June 5, 2019 8:12 PM
*To:* Ahmet Temel; Shannon Davidson
*Cc:* Robin Smith; Sherry Southerland
*Subject:* RE: Science Teacher !!

Dear Mr. Temel,

Thank you for reaching out. I am cc’ing Dr. Robin Smith and Dr. Sherry 
Southerland here as they may be able to share this info via the 
FSU-Teach listserv and perhaps other venues to reach out to our alumni. 
My best wishes to you for a successful search!

On another note, Shannon and I will be in touch very soon to continue 
our discussion from last week. Thanks again and until soon.



Lama Z. Jaber, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor in Science Education

School of Teacher Education and FSU-Teach

Florida State University

1114 W. Call St

G119 Stone Building

Tallahassee, FL 32306

*From:* Ahmet Temel [mailto:atemel at tsmas.org]
*Sent:* Wednesday, June 5, 2019 3:46 PM
*To:* Shannon Davidson <slg13d at my.fsu.edu>; Lama Ziad Jaber <ljaber at fsu.edu>
*Subject:* Science Teacher !!

Hi Dr. Davidson and Dr. Lama,

I wanted to reach out to you and let you know that we are actively 
seeking to hire a new science teacher and I thought students in your 
teacher and other programs or alumni may be interested in applying.

If you think that might be something you can share with your list-serve, 
please feel free to share the info below.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Tallahassee School of Math and Science (K-8) is seeking the best 
teaching faculty and school staff around!

Therefore, we request that you complete our online employment 
application found on Teachers-Teachers.com.

*To view and apply for our currently open teaching faculty and/or school 
staff positions, please click on the following link that is unique for 
our school:*

*MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from 
"urldefense.proofpoint.com" claiming to be* 


*/Ahmet Temel/**,**Principal, MPA*

*MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from 
"urldefense.proofpoint.com" claiming to be* 

/3434 North Monroe St.///

/Tallahassee, FL 32303///

*Ph:**(850)-681-7827 <tel:%28850%29-681-7827>*

*From:* Ahmet Temel
*Sent:* Tuesday, May 21, 2019 7:42 AM
*To:* Shannon Davidson <slg13d at my.fsu.edu <mailto:slg13d at my.fsu.edu>>
*Cc:* Lama Ziad Jaber <ljaber at fsu.edu <mailto:ljaber at fsu.edu>>
*Subject:* RE: Hello + Reconnecting since our Jan. meeting

Sounds good we will see you then


*/Ahmet Temel/**,**Principal, MPA*

*MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from 
"urldefense.proofpoint.com" claiming to be* 

/3434 North Monroe St.///

/Tallahassee, FL 32303///

*Ph:**(850)-681-7827 <tel:%28850%29-681-7827>*

*From:* Shannon Davidson <slg13d at my.fsu.edu <mailto:slg13d at my.fsu.edu>>
*Sent:* Monday, May 20, 2019 7:49 PM
*To:* Ahmet Temel <atemel at tsmas.org <mailto:atemel at tsmas.org>>
*Cc:* Lama Ziad Jaber <ljaber at fsu.edu <mailto:ljaber at fsu.edu>>
*Subject:* Re: Hello + Reconnecting since our Jan. meeting

Hello again Mr. Temel,

Thank you for getting back to us so quickly.  May 30 at 3pm will work 
perfectly for us. We will plan to meet at TSMS with you, if that is 
alright with you.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Shannon & Dr. Jaber

- -

Shannon (Gooden) Davidson

C & I - Science Education

School of Teacher Education

Florida State University


On May 20, 2019, at 5:09 PM, Ahmet Temel <atemel at tsmas.org 
<mailto:atemel at tsmas.org>> wrote:

    Hi Dr. Davidson,

    It will be great to meet,  will May 30^th at 3 pm work for you ?



    */Ahmet Temel/**,**Principal, MPA*

    *MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from
    "urldefense.proofpoint.com" claiming to be*

    /3434 North Monroe St./

    /Tallahassee, FL 32303/

    *Ph:**(850)-681-7827 <tel:%28850%29-681-7827>*

    *From:* Shannon Davidson <slg13d at my.fsu.edu <mailto:slg13d at my.fsu.edu>>
    *Sent:* Monday, May 20, 2019 3:10 PM
    *To:* Ahmet Temel <atemel at tsmas.org <mailto:atemel at tsmas.org>>
    *Cc:* Lama Ziad Jaber <ljaber at fsu.edu <mailto:ljaber at fsu.edu>>
    *Subject:* Hello + Reconnecting since our Jan. meeting

    Hello Mr. Temel,

    I hope this e-mail finds you more than well, particularly as the end
    of the school year is drawing near. It has been some time since my
    visit to TSMS and our meeting and conversation back in late
    January (1/31).  I truly enjoyed my time visiting TSMS, meeting you,
    and seeing all of the excellent learning and teaching happening at
    your school.

    I remember we'd chatted about reconnecting around this time to
    follow-up on our discussion about some of the ways in which TSMS and
    FSU-Teach might partner in the coming school year.  Dr. Lama Jaber
    and I would be very interested in meeting again with you to discuss
    possible visions and goals for such partnership, and how our
    collective aims could serve both the TSMS K-8 students and teachers,
    as well as our pre-service math and science teachers at FSU, with
    opportunities to learn from and grow with one another.

    Might you be available to meet in the next two weeks or so to
    discuss our collective ideas?  Dr. Jaber and I are most available on
    Thursdays and Fridays, but if other days are better for your
    schedule, we can certainly be flexible.

    TSMS is such a bright star in Tallahassee - We are so looking
    forward to the possibilities that may lie ahead!


    Shannon Davidson


    Shannon G. Davidson, PhD

    Postdoctoral Research Associate

    FSU-Teach & School of Teacher Education

    College of Education

    Florida State University


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