[Fsuteachgrads] Fwd: Fw: TEACH Grant

Robin Smith smith at bio.fsu.edu
Wed Dec 11 10:56:50 EST 2019

I'm not sure if you are still eligible after graduating, but it might be 
worth looking in to.

*From:* Mia Hines <mhines3 at fsu.edu>
*Sent:* Tuesday, December 10, 2019 10:59 AM
*To:* Laura Bell <lballard at fsu.edu>; Eileen Bischof <bischof at fsu.edu>; 
Angela Davis <afdavis at admin.fsu.edu>; Lindsay Dennis <lrdennis at fsu.edu>; 
Veronica Fleury <vpfleury at fsu.edu>; Stacey Hardin <sehardin at fsu.edu>; 
Amal Ibourk <aibourk at fsu.edu>; Lama Ziad Jaber <ljaber at fsu.edu>; Arzu 
Leushuis <agungor at admin.fsu.edu>; Sandra Lewis <slewis at fsu.edu>; Jane Lo 
<jlo at fsu.edu>; Jenny Root <jrroot at fsu.edu>; Sherry Southerland 
<ssoutherland at admin.fsu.edu>; Laura Steacy <lsteacy at fcrr.org>; Miray 
Tekkumru Kisa <mtekkumrukisa at fsu.edu>; Frank Tenore <btenore at fsu.edu>; 
Nicole Patton-Terry <npattonterry at fsu.edu>; Ian Whitacre 
<iwhitacre at fsu.edu>; John Myers <jpmyers at fsu.edu>; Kelly Whalon 
<kwhalon at fsu.edu>; Susan Yarbrough <syarbrough at fsu.edu>
*Cc:* Rose Skepple <rskepple at fsu.edu>; George Green <ggreen at admin.fsu.edu>
*Subject:* TEACH Grant

Hello all,

I recently contacted the Financial Aid Office and found there were not a 
lot of our students that were taking advantage of the TEACH Grant (free 
money). I will now act as the liaison between the Financial Aid office 
and the TEACH Grant for our students. I just sent this information to 
all of our students that qualify but I wanted to share this information 
with you as well for when you have conversations with students about 
additional financial aid. Students can apply to receive this for Spring 
2020. Let me know if you have any questions.



Hello all,

You are receiving this email because you qualify for the U.S. Department 
of Education Federal TEACH Grant. The TEACH Grant provides up to $4,000 
annually to students who commit to teaching high need subject areas in 
Title I schools after graduating. Requirements for the TEACH grant are 
as follows:

  * Be enrolled in a critical shortage teacher preparation program in
    the state of FL (Undergraduate and Graduate):/English, Math,
    Science, Special Education, Visual Disabilities, Reading, ESOL,
    Technical Education/
  * Complete the FAFSA form
  * Have and maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher

If you are interested in applying for the TEACH Grant you must:

  * Complete TEACH Grant Initial and Subsequent Counseling
  * Complete Grant Agreement to Serve

Both can be found at this 

You can apply for this grant today and receive it for Spring 2020. For 
more information you can visit the website 
athttps://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/types/grants-scholarships/teachor email 
me  atmhines3 at fsu.edu <mailto:mhines3 at fsu.edu>if you have any questions 
or concerns.



Mia Hines

/BS/MS Advisor, Educator Preparation/

Office of Academic Services & Intern Support (OASIS)

Florida State University College of Education

2205J Stone Building

(850) 644-4807

www.education.fsu.edu/teacher-ed <http://www.education.fsu.edu/teacher-ed>

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