[Fsuteachgrads] Fwd: [master-teachers] Time sensitive - opportunity for apprentice teachers and alumni

Robin Smith smith at bio.fsu.edu
Mon Apr 29 08:45:03 EDT 2019

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[master-teachers] Time sensitive - opportunity for apprentice 
teachers and alumni
Date: 	Fri, 26 Apr 2019 21:15:47 +0000
From: 	Hamilton, Josephine <hamilton at uteach.utexas.edu>
Reply-To: 	Hamilton, Josephine <hamilton at uteach.utexas.edu>
To: 	master-teachers at utlists.utexas.edu 
<master-teachers at utlists.utexas.edu>

Hi Master Teachers,

I wanted to let you all know about two opportunities from the Knowles 
Teacher Initiative <https://knowlesteachers.org/> for your alumni and 
apprentice teachers.

*Fellowship Program for new teachers:*

The Knowles Teacher Initiative is a prestigious and competitive 
five-year fellowship program for new math and science teachers. Please 
encourage your recent alumni and current class of apprentice teachers to 
register for and attend awebinar on May 1 
All members of the UTeach community are welcome to join to learn more, too.

Applications for the 2020 cohort open next week –your spring 2019 
apprentice teachers are eligible for this cohort. (Folks who will be 
entering their first or second year as teacher of record during the 
2020–2021 academic year are eligible for the 2020 cohort.)

*PD for in-service teachers:*

The Knowles Teacher Initiative now offers components of their fellowship 
to all teachers during summer professional development institutes.  The 
courses usually are 3-5 days and can cost upwards of $800 - $1000. 
_There are limited spaces available for $100._**Interested individuals 
just need to complete the form by April 30 (I know, that's in just a few 
days)! Two of their pilot courses are only $50. Here's the link to 
oursite <https://knowlesteachers.org/>to learn more about our Academy 
(all courses are led by practicing teachers) and here's a link to 
<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebPy7vmKMpeQYt0-Z6YX-yZ8nOVo0BUYfKww9N9M21JM7HCg/viewform> to 
request funding.

Thanks all!!


*Jo Hamilton*

Member Services and Communications Coordinator

UTeach STEM Educators Association

National UTeach Alumni Network

*o:* 512-471-1367 | e: hamilton at uteach.utexas.edu 
<mailto:hamilton at uteach.utexas.edu>

*a: *The University of Texas at Austin | 103 W 24^th Street, Stop 
G2250 | Austin, Texas 78712-1255


* This email was sent to the UTeach Institute's Master Teachers email 
list. To unsubscribe, send a blank email, from the email address(es) 
under which you are subscribed, to sympa at utlists.utexas.edu with the 
subject line: UNS master-teachers. For all other questions or comments, 
please email info at uteach-institute.org.
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