[Fla-ffb] State Aid at Risk of losing $4.5 million; please help!

Lisa O'Donnell lisa at flalib.org
Sun Mar 8 15:09:59 EDT 2020

Excuse cross-posting!
FLA Members & Supporters,

URGENT REQUEST: Ask Florida Senate to match House budget for State Aid.

The House and Senate Budget Conference process is underway this weekend 
and currently the Transportation, Tourism and Economic Development (TED) 
conferees are considering State Aid to Public Libraries funding.

As we reported last week, the Senate budget shows a $4.5 million 
decrease to State Aid to Public Library grant funding as compared to 
current year funding. While the combined library funding in the Senate 
budget does reach Maintenance of Effort level to draw Federal LSTA 
funding, the $4.5 million loss is a major hit to the grant program.

Please Take Action now! Use the pre-written message to contact your 
Senator and Representative(s) and encourage Senators to, at the very 
least, MATCH THE HOUSE BUDGET OF $21.8 million for State Aid 
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://cqrcengage.com/alafl/app/write-a-letter?15&engagementId=506715__;!!PhOWcWs!gK78hE6bU9qkB6hIy9dLdZsxqnbxs5ZHbq9TNGifzqKd5jxANWIIswGRmCmMe0UKX94adw$ >.

If you are a constituent of the following, please consider calling their 
Capitol offices now; you can leave the message with staff:

Senate TED Conferees <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.flsenate.gov/Committees/Show/ATD/__;!!PhOWcWs!gK78hE6bU9qkB6hIy9dLdZsxqnbxs5ZHbq9TNGifzqKd5jxANWIIswGRmCmMe0VscQxQGQ$ >: 
Senators Travis Hutson (Senate TED Conference Chair), Jeff Brandes, Tom 
Lee, Keith Perry, Wilton Simpson, Annette Taddeo, Perry Thurston and 
Victor Torres.

House TED Conferees 
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Committees/committeesdetail.aspx?CommitteeId=3009__;!!PhOWcWs!gK78hE6bU9qkB6hIy9dLdZsxqnbxs5ZHbq9TNGifzqKd5jxANWIIswGRmCmMe0VfUDEKGQ$ >: 
Jay Trumbull (House TED Conference Chair), Brad Drake, Dan Daley, Bobby 
D. DuBose, Elizabeth Anne Fetterhoff, Joseph Geller, Blaise Ingoglia, 
Thomas J. Leek, Rene Plasencia, Anthony Rodriquez, David Smith, and 
Barbara Watson

It's easy and important. Simply click the link below to get started.

<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://cqrcengage.com/alafl/app/write-a-letter?15&engagementId=506715__;!!PhOWcWs!gK78hE6bU9qkB6hIy9dLdZsxqnbxs5ZHbq9TNGifzqKd5jxANWIIswGRmCmMe0UKX94adw$ >) 
to ask them to match the House's budget for State Aid.

Thank you,
FLA Advocacy Team
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.facebook.com/FloridaLibraryAssociation/__;!!PhOWcWs!gK78hE6bU9qkB6hIy9dLdZsxqnbxs5ZHbq9TNGifzqKd5jxANWIIswGRmCmMe0VvYXyy4w$ >
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.com/TweetFLAlibrary?lang=en__;!!PhOWcWs!gK78hE6bU9qkB6hIy9dLdZsxqnbxs5ZHbq9TNGifzqKd5jxANWIIswGRmCmMe0VdN8D-KA$ >
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.flalib.org__;!!PhOWcWs!gK78hE6bU9qkB6hIy9dLdZsxqnbxs5ZHbq9TNGifzqKd5jxANWIIswGRmCmMe0XLr748rw$ >
<mailto:admin at flalib.org>
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.instagram.com/floridalibraryassociation/__;!!PhOWcWs!gK78hE6bU9qkB6hIy9dLdZsxqnbxs5ZHbq9TNGifzqKd5jxANWIIswGRmCmMe0UcyeOQnA$ >

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