[Fla-facrlboard] Possible scam alert - supposed message from Alyssa (FACRL)

Elana Karshmer ekarshme at fiu.edu
Sat Feb 27 18:22:53 EST 2021

Yes.. I got the same email and noticed the address so I deleted it.

Thanks, Valerie!!

Sent from my iPhone- apologies for the brevity and any typos.

On Feb 27, 2021, at 6:07 PM, Valerie Lynn Boulos via Fla-facrlboard <fla-facrlboard at lists.fsu.edu> wrote:

Note: This message originated from outside the FIU Faculty/Staff email system.

Hi all –

I got a message about 20 minutes ago supposedly from Alyssa as the President of ACRL Florida Chapter, titled “vital request” and asking me to handle a pressing request.  The email address is not one that Alyssa usually uses.

We had a series of scam emails at FSU about a year or so ago that started out like this and the person would claim to be our Dean or an AD, then ask for your phone number and text requests for gift cards.  Luckily no one got to the point of sending money, but some got pretty close (especially those who normally do such errands for us.)

Just wanted to let you know in case other people received the same.  Our IT recommended deleting the message and reporting to your university scam service, if you have one.

  *   Valerie

P.S.  Alyssa, if it is actually from you let me know on your normal email.  😊

Valerie L. Boulos
Associate Dean
Collection Development, Resource Management, & Discovery Services
Florida State University Libraries
715 Madison Street, #117
Tallahassee, FL 32306
(850) 644-6321
vlboulos at fsu.edu<mailto:vlboulos at fsu.edu>

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