[Fla-facrlboard] Conference Payment Options

Heather Bush bushhk at eckerd.edu
Wed Sep 9 12:49:58 EDT 2020

Hi All,

I had a member reach out about using PayPal as a payment option for the
annual conference. Is this something we've done in the past? Are the only
options check or credit card? I wanted to confirm before I responded.



Heather Bush, MLA, MLIS

Visiting Access Services and Instruction Librarian

Behavioral Sciences Liaison

Peter H. Armacost Library <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.eckerd.edu/library__;!!PhOWcWs!ijGMlHSlm5mbt5aW-wO1vP7MtnrRi3fZzdkZkxe0hOgSCpahPVKPF8o7o8A-3tSEqxCEGXQ1-g$ >
(727) 864-7518 <727.864.7518>

Eckerd College <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://eckerd.edu/__;!!PhOWcWs!ijGMlHSlm5mbt5aW-wO1vP7MtnrRi3fZzdkZkxe0hOgSCpahPVKPF8o7o8A-3tSEqxDd0RW3uw$ >
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St. Petersburg, Florida 33711
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