[Fla-facrlboard] Call for Agenda Items for Next Week's Meeting- Tuesday, May 12th 3-4 pm

Sandy Avila savila at ucf.edu
Thu May 7 21:39:25 EDT 2020

Hello there FACRL Board!

I am sending out this call very late. My apologies for that. Our meeting is next Tuesday, so please review the minutes link below AND provide any agenda items if you have them. Thank you kindly!

April meeting minutes

This will be my last call for agenda items as secretary. I have enjoyed working with you all the past few years! Thanks for a great experience everyone and please stay safe out there during the COVID-19 pandemic!

See you all online next week. Have a great Friday and weekend and I will look out for your agenda items.


Sandy Avila, MA, MLIS
Science Librarian
University of Central Florida Libraries
Sandy.Avila at ucf.edu<mailto:Sandy.Avila at ucf.edu>

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