[Fla-facrlboard] FYI - Next Gen ILS notice

Michael Meth mmeth at fsu.edu
Tue Mar 10 15:57:49 EDT 2020

Hi FACRL friends,

As discussed on our board call, UWF has posted on their procurement site https://uwf.edu/offices/procurement/vendors-only/open-solicitations-and-public-notices/ the following notice of intent to award contract https://uwf.edu/media/university-of-west-florida/offices/procurement/bids/18itn-06aj/18ITN-06AJ-Notice-of-Intent-to-Award-Contract.pdf.

The vendor is named as ExLibris, Inc.

Best regards,

Michael Meth
Associate Dean, Research and Learning Services  | FSU Libraries
o. 850.645.7349  | c. 850.591.2007  | mmeth at fsu.edu<mailto:mmeth at fsu.edu>
(Personal pronouns: He/him/his)

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