[Fla-facrlboard] Preview of Election Ballot and Bios page

Guy Cicinelli gcicinelli at aol.com
Mon Mar 9 15:42:53 EDT 2020

Board - 
Here is a link to a Loom (video) I made to show what the nominee information page and election ballot will look like.https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.loom.com/share/4e8d4859f8d9475c96a0fe80a933a917__;!!PhOWcWs!kk94wxqu0m7qlvC9WRh5si_ZarfOT4dlFG-dxTFoeieVZCH24PNrqLBWZhSIcNTd70iF1Q4T6A$ 
You should be able to see the nominee page with this link (must be logged into WA): https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://facrl.wildapricot.org/sys/website/?pageId=18101__;!!PhOWcWs!kk94wxqu0m7qlvC9WRh5si_ZarfOT4dlFG-dxTFoeieVZCH24PNrqLBWZhSIcNTd70hjC6R5Aw$ 
I used the verbiage and images provided in the Google Drive folder.
Let me know if you see any blatant errors or have suggestions.  We hope to get this posted/opened on Wednesday.

Guy Cicinelli, MLISLibrary Technology Manager Lee County Library Systemmobile: 239-777-2827email: gcicinelli at aol.com
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