[Fla-facrlboard] FW: [Lib-seniorleadership] FW: Governor Has Vetoed Complete Florida Plus Program / FLVC / FALSC

Michael Meth mmeth at fsu.edu
Tue Jun 30 09:02:43 EDT 2020

Hi FACRL board,

Concerned message from a recent board member and former legislative liaison here.  While I am no longer on the FACRL board, I wanted to bring to your attention the email (copied below) from Elijah at FALSC yesterday.

TL;DR if funding is not approved for the Complete Florida Plus Program, there may not be a FALSC tomorrow.

I don’t need to tell you what that would mean for all of our academic libraries, and more importantly for all the folks working at FALSC. This story is evolving as we speak and you may want to follow along.

I am sharing this note to encourage FACRL to reach out to the governor’s office. Perhaps we can even get ACRL to lobby on behalf of FALSC.  Maybe place your own calls. Get your university’s admin engaged.

Best regards,

From: Elijah Scott <EScott at FLVC.ORG>
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2020 3:05 PM
Subject: [FLVC-LS-MC] Governor Has Vetoed Complete Florida Plus Program / FLVC / FALSC
Importance: High

Hello Friends,

I have just learned that today the Governor vetoed the entire Complete Florida Plus Program funding, which includes all funding for the Florida Academic Library Services Cooperative (FALSC).  The Governor’s transmittal letter can be found at

Within the embedded PDF document, page 16 shows the veto for “Specific Appropriation 161A, Aid to Local Governments – Grants and Aids – Complete Florida Plus Program, From General Revenue Fund: $29,390,671.”

We will update you all as we know more about this situation.

In the meantime, we believe it would be helpful if each of you could contact your administration to make them aware of this veto and of the importance of restoring the Complete Florida Plus Program funding back to the budget in order to preserve FLVC, FALSC, and DLSS.

Thank you,


***PLEASE NOTE THAT FALSC AND FLVC STAFF WILL BE WORKING REMOTELY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.  All FALSC and FLVC operations will continue as usual.  For fastest response time, please contact me via this email or contact the FLVC Help Desk at Help at flvc.org<mailto:Help at flvc.org>.  Thank you***

Elijah Scott
Executive Director
A unit of FLVC
1753 West Paul Dirac Drive
Tallahassee, Florida
P: (850) 922-3188<tel:(850)%2922-3188>
W: libraries.flvc.org<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/libraries.flvc.org/__;!!PhOWcWs!mfxWxsJMIlQsuPEbdgVmzl_czRsN92DREnehzp9WUGluhKg1DJUO2K7jv6EoLY6_ig$>
[https://drive.google.com/a/uwf.edu/uc?id=0Bzrsu5lqNP6hdlhUQkhOR0Z5ZG8&export=download]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.facebook.com/goFALSC/__;!!PhOWcWs!mfxWxsJMIlQsuPEbdgVmzl_czRsN92DREnehzp9WUGluhKg1DJUO2K7jv6GC5skESQ$> [https://drive.google.com/a/uwf.edu/uc?id=0Bzrsu5lqNP6hbTVvYzY3ZlEzTkk&export=download] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.linkedin.com/company/florida-academic-library-services-cooperative/__;!!PhOWcWs!mfxWxsJMIlQsuPEbdgVmzl_czRsN92DREnehzp9WUGluhKg1DJUO2K7jv6HCf6YdnQ$>


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