[Fla-facrlboard] FACRL Virtual Conference Theme

Michael Meth mmeth at fsu.edu
Thu Apr 30 09:45:47 EDT 2020

Hi FACRL board,

Together with colleagues from the Panhandle Library Access Network and FAMU, I'll be hosting an hour long chat next week 5/5 at 10am EST on Zoom. You're invited to join! [https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/teb/2/16/1f642.png]
Also, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on how to create community and facilitate dialogue effectively in Zoom. I've been to too many meetings where one person is speaking and all participants just had their cameras turned off. This should be more interactive.
The registration link is at https://www.plan.lib.fl.us/events/virtual-meetup-academic-libraries-and-covid-19/.

Feel free to share.

Best regards,

Michael Meth
Associate Dean, Research and Learning Services  | FSU Libraries
(Personal pronouns: He/him/his)

From: Fla-facrlboard <fla-facrlboard-bounces at lists.fsu.edu> on behalf of Alyssa Koclanes via Fla-facrlboard <fla-facrlboard at lists.fsu.edu>
Reply-To: Alyssa Koclanes <koclanan at eckerd.edu>
Date: Monday, April 27, 2020 at 15:04
To: FACRL Board <fla-facrlboard at lists.fsu.edu>
Subject: [Fla-facrlboard] FACRL Virtual Conference Theme

Hi All,

In discussion with the FACRL Program Committee Chair Nancy Schuler, I would like to share with you all the proposed theme for the FACRL Virtual Fall Conference, Value of Academic Libraries during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Topics can include online information literacy instruction, OA/OER promotion, collecting stats on library use, staffing policies, and e-Resources management.

In order for the Conference Program Committee to have a draft Call for Proposal for us to review at the May 12th board meeting, I would like to finalize the theme this week. Please let me know your thoughts and if you have any concerns.


Alyssa Koclanes, M.A.
Associate Professor
Technical Services, Serials, and Instruction Librarian
Eckerd College Library<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.eckerd.edu/library/__;!!PhOWcWs!jZHMfNo1LVN38Bkrfpxr0cRuwnHldKeENLm9ZU8Y5dkCDW506LlI-TvZwMmQP82wMXG4oM843w$>

Eckerd College<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.eckerd.edu__;!!PhOWcWs!jZHMfNo1LVN38Bkrfpxr0cRuwnHldKeENLm9ZU8Y5dkCDW506LlI-TvZwMmQP82wMXEaujn0yA$>
4200 54th Avenue South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33711

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