[Fla-facrlboard] Summary of evaluation responses

Guy Cicinelli gcicinelli at aol.com
Tue Nov 12 17:17:53 EST 2019

I'm attaching the spreadsheet I made with the comments from the evaluation (attached) and summarized below.
What people liked about the conference - I created tags of common themes in the responses:

| Likes (Q4) | Frequency |
| Quality/Variety of Topics | 12 |
| Break Out Sessions | 10 |
| Networking | 8 |
| Poster Sessions | 4 |
| Reception Dinner | 3 |
| Vendors | 3 |
| Pre-Conference | 3 |
| Well-Organized | 3 |
| Speakers | 2 |
| Venue | 2 |
| Affordability | 1 |

A few of the comments (Q5) that stood out:   
   - Have a pre-conference every year!
   - Add a keynote speaker.
   - Closer hotels (3 mentions).
   - Have room monitors (for keeping time).
   - Add a lightning round session (in lieu of one of the poster sessions).
   - More networking opportunities - this person felt that "friends hang out with friends" and it was hard to approach strangers. So.........
My suggestion to that last one is to create a team building ice breaker game by placing stickers on everyone's name badges (maybe 5-8 different animals, to create 5-8 different groups - stickers placed on the badges before registration opens) and then at a specified time or event - maybe a coffee break - have everyone get into groups with the same animal sticker and solve a problem, or come with a answer to some question, etc... Or, it could be an impromptu lightning round session (maybe then leads into the actual lightning round session) and each group presents on the topic/solution...  Or it could be less formal, and have some sort of swag/gift for people that were able to find all the people with the same animal sticker and take a selfie with them and post the pics to Twitter using a particular #hashtag...

Guy Cicinelli, MLISLibrary Technology Manager Lee County Library Systemmobile: 239-777-2827email: gcicinelli at aol.com
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