[Fla-facrlboard] Conference CFP and registration rates

Craig Amos camos at broward.edu
Fri May 3 15:19:24 EDT 2019

Good afternoon,

The Conference Program committee is having our kickoff meeting on Monday and is finalizing the CFP and conference details so that we can send out a call for proposals and provide final details to market/place on the site next week.

We met with our colleagues at NSU on Tuesday, who have graciously made all of our logistical, room reservation, and technical support arrangements as our host for the conference. A big thank you again to Jaime Goldman, who continues lead so many of our projects (Thank you Jaime!).

At our last Board meeting, we discussed a reduced presenter rate and did decide to provide free registration for our keynote for the pre-conference, which is being provided by ACRL. Did we make a final decision on any kind of reduced fee schedule for the break out session presenters?

Thank you,

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Craig Amos​
Associate Dean, Library Access and Discovery    ,       Broward College

P:      +1 (954) 2016307<tel:+1%20(954)%202016307>

E:      camos at broward.edu<mailto:camos at broward.edu>      |      W:      broward.edu<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__broward.edu&d=DwIFaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=Kmg4UkgF49epOZc1jk1QBIYMrwxDjOiTZzaWOvDx6Hk&s=QsPsDUuIA7XZ1xGxKc2gaibZ5czC6shcnHmNtEjevEI&e=>

A:      3501 Davie Road; Davie, FL 33314

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