[Fla-facrlboard] ACRL Creative Commons Webinar for May 15th 2019

Sandy Avila Sandy.Avila at ucf.edu
Thu Mar 14 16:41:33 EDT 2019

Hello FACRL Board,

I wanted to follow up regarding UCF hosting the ACRL Creative Commons webinar on May 15th. I have both our Scholarly Communication Librarian on board, as well as reserved the meeting room space for us to host the event. I wanted to let you all know, especially for Suzette in case we wanted to try and get a third school on board. Perhaps FSU? Mike, any interest in hosting a site visit screening of the following ARCL sponsored webinar:


Kim or Becky, what are the next steps in getting us formally set up with this? Let me know what I need to do from here and hopefully we can get both Broward College and a partner up north to join in.

Have a great rest of the week everyone! Meeting minutes from earlier this week will be sent out tomorrow.



Sandy Avila, MA, MLIS
Science Librarian
University of Central Florida Libraries
Sandy.Avila at ucf.edu<mailto:Sandy.Avila at ucf.edu>

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