[Fla-facrlboard] FW: Membership list request for FACRL

Craig Amos camos at broward.edu
Mon Mar 11 08:55:53 EDT 2019

Good morning all,

This does not completely resolve our membership issue, as roughly 100 Florida members have privacy settings where they will not appear on this listing, though at least I think we have a mechanism to get an accurate report for what is publicly available.

We could use this as a baseline to load to the FACRL site along with members that register locally. We could then maybe propose a mechanism that I think we briefly discussed where ACRL members that do not have an account through the automatic load can contact the membership committee to be added. Something for that committee’s agenda. What do you think?

Thank you,

Broward College
Craig Amos
Associate Dean, Library Access and Discovery, Broward College
E: camos at broward.edu | W: broward.edu
A: 3501 Davie Road; Davie, FL 33314
Broward College Top 10 Aspen Prize Finalist
From: Megan Griffin [mailto:mgriffin at ala.org]
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2019 4:26 PM
To: Craig Amos <camos at broward.edu>
Cc: rdonlan at fgcu.edu
Subject: RE: Membership list request for FACRL

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Hi Craig,
Attached please find the list of ACRL members who have preferred addresses based in Florida.  The password to unlock the file is “Florida3.4” without the quotations.

Please note the attached file should only be used for unit-related activities (e.g., welcoming new members, planning events, etc.), as the information contained is confidential and proprietary to the American Library Association. Also please keep in mind that this list includes only those members who have opted to be contacted in their ALA communication preferences.   There were originally 397 Florida members and what you see attached is those with open communication preferences.

All the best,

Megan Griffin, Senior Program Officer
Association of College & Research Libraries
mgriffin at ala.org<mailto:mgriffin at ala.org>; https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.acrl.org&d=DwIFaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=f3CLBwnPoHzIDhsDgW4QjtQg01DJLyYrk9MHQrk4_cM&s=UhcLp--JAgEErREBlqYU4j02imqw89ZIkXGX9MHm1aU&e=<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.acrl.org_&d=DwMGaQ&c=AyrajPdOsbMUQ9pNazKW2A&r=FyvcYREalb0jPLDqoov8JGRduZAXtPG8h-SV9Up2P4I&m=WOzpqRN5u-Vu2-NNus6CKE1UmEmBtoqUo_PusrhJsaA&s=JpF5G6QztBIeFD6LRGgNSeRtDfNjislO7-tnfURo7U8&e=>
Pronouns: she/her/hers

From: Craig Amos <camos at broward.edu<mailto:camos at broward.edu>>
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2019 10:43 AM
To: Megan Griffin <mgriffin at ala.org<mailto:mgriffin at ala.org>>
Subject: RE: Membership list request for FACRL

Thank you Megan!

Happy Friday,

[Broward College]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__broward.edu&d=DwIFaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=f3CLBwnPoHzIDhsDgW4QjtQg01DJLyYrk9MHQrk4_cM&s=brnQeCR-F3cHxpsPx9z7YUBCuJE_ZmfCLC2cAeGhYAc&e=>

Craig Amos​

Associate Dean, Library Access and Discovery


Broward College


camos at broward.edu<mailto:camos at broward.edu>





3501 Davie Road; Davie, FL 33314

[cid:image006.png at 01D4D29E.54BA2CA0]

[Broward College Top 10 Aspen Prize Finalist]

From: Megan Griffin [mailto:mgriffin at ala.org]
Sent: Friday, March 1, 2019 11:23 AM
To: Craig Amos <camos at broward.edu<mailto:camos at broward.edu>>
Subject: Re: Membership list request for FACRL

Thanks, Craig!  I’m working remotely today but will run this report for you first thing Monday.

Have a great weekend!

Megan Griffin

From: Craig Amos <camos at broward.edu<mailto:camos at broward.edu>>
Date: Friday, March 1, 2019 at 10:19 AM
To: Megan Griffin <mgriffin at ala.org<mailto:mgriffin at ala.org>>
Subject: RE: Membership list request for FACRL

Good morning Megan,

Thank you very much for your detailed message yesterday evening. It is very helpful to know both about the ALA fiscal year reminder of September – August and also that the communications preferences in the accounts so dramatically affect our membership report.

Please accept this e-mail as our request for the current ACRL membership listing for the Florida Chapter. Please also let me know if you require anything additional from our end and I will look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks again,

[Broward College]<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__broward.edu&d=DwIFaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=ErNLMQvDS5BZrIZeelL-Nylx-JsCfC_BTnGrpOVKn70&m=f3CLBwnPoHzIDhsDgW4QjtQg01DJLyYrk9MHQrk4_cM&s=brnQeCR-F3cHxpsPx9z7YUBCuJE_ZmfCLC2cAeGhYAc&e=>

Craig Amos​

Associate Dean, Library Access and Discovery


Broward College


camos at broward.edu<mailto:camos at broward.edu>





3501 Davie Road; Davie, FL 33314

[cid:image002.png at 01D4D7E7.A8B8FD60][cid:image006.png at 01D4D29E.54BA2CA0]

[Broward College Top 10 Aspen Prize Finalist]


Please Note: Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written communications to or from College employees regarding College business are public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this email communication may be subject to public disclosure.

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