[Fla-facrlboard] June 11th Board Meeting Minutes for Review

Sandy Avila Sandy.Avila at ucf.edu
Tue Jun 11 17:42:59 EDT 2019

Hello there!

I am getting to the meeting minutes extra early this month! 😉

Please review the link below and add comments or details where needed.


Also, for a quick recap of action items, please review:

Action Item #1: Board Liaisons to committees, please update scheduling and notification of when committee meetings are held and ensure that all members of committee are aware of when meeting will be taking place.
Action Item #2: Board should review the levels of sponsorship for the PLAN conference and email Craig of their interest to support the conference and on what level.
Action Item #3: Sandy to update the agenda with PLAN Conference sponsorship information and to update Local Arrangements Committee Board Liaison.
Action Item #4: Guy to review FACRL marketing materials for a flyer and card for inclusion at the PLAN conference.
Action Item #5: Craig to resend the Membership Committee members contact info to Rachel Cooke.
Action Item #6: Board to send a message to Craig via email if they are interested in serving in the role of Scholarships Board Liaison.
Action Item #7: Craig to verify information for conference tables and specifics.
Action Item #8: Jaime will work to update the FLA news section of the FACRL website.

Until next month’s meeting, Tuesday, July 9th, 2019 at 3:00 pm.


Sandy Avila, MA, MLIS
Science Librarian
University of Central Florida Libraries
Sandy.Avila at ucf.edu<mailto:Sandy.Avila at ucf.edu>

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