[Fla-facrlboard] FACRL Board Recurring Meeting Query & ACRL Webinar Schedule

Kim Copenhaver copenhka at eckerd.edu
Wed May 17 12:12:02 EDT 2017

Dear FACRL colleagues,

Thank you for attending the FACRL Board meeting last week in Orlando!  I
appreciated the opportunity to welcome the new members of the Board,
acknowledge the service of those members whose terms are expiring and
reconnect with members continuing to serve in the coming year.

As mentioned during the meeting last week, FACRL has the opportunity to
license two ACRL webinars
<http://www.ala.org/acrl/conferences/elearning/webcasts> for members each
year. Live webcast events viewed jointly at a host institution provide
meaningful programming to different areas of the state and increase member
engagement with FACRL. If this is something you may be able to organize for
your region of the state, I encourage you to contact me to discuss the
details.  We have two licenses remaining through August and I believe we
can host multiple viewing locations (2 or 3) if there is interest for a
specific program. If the dates pose a problem, we could always register and
receiving the recording for group viewing and discussion at another time.

I would also like to seek your assistance in identifying a date/time each
month for the FACRL Board to devote to business matters that arise
throughout the year. Please complete the following poll at your earliest
convenience, but no later than Wednesday, May 24th:
https://goo.gl/forms/IbgCvZytvGjdw7ED2  Thank you for your time and
attention to this request.  I hope it reduces the need to send multiple
scheduling requests in the coming year.

Finally, the contact information for the 2017-2018 Board
<https://facrl.wildapricot.org/board> has been posted to the FACRL website.
Please take a moment to ensure that your information is up to date and
accurately represented.

Thank you again for your willingness to step forward and assume leadership
positions within FACRL and for your service to the Association.  I look
forward to working with you all in the coming year.

Best regards,

*Kimberly A. Copenhaver*

*Behavioral Sciences Librarian/Associate Professor of Reference,
Instruction and Access ServicesEckerd College | 4200 54th Avenue South |
St. Petersburg, FL  33711*
*copenhka at eckerd.edu <copenhka at eckerd.edu>|**(727) 864-7518 |
http://eckerd.edu/library  <http://eckerd.edu/library>*
*Need help? Schedule a research consultation
<http://www.eckerd.edu/library/book-a-librarian/> or text-a-librarian at
(727) 341-5863.*
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