[Fla-facrl] SSDN Discussion: 3D digital objects

Keila Zayas Ruiz kzayasruiz at fsu.edu
Thu Mar 31 08:22:47 EDT 2022


Join us for an hour-long discussion about 3D digital objects. This is not a webinar, but rather an interactive discussion about 3D object digitization, 3D environments, and all else related to 3D. There is no need for technical expertise to join the discussion.

Register Here to Attend<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/sunshinestatedigitalnetwork.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c02a01234721364578996ac90&id=200f2e0201&e=aa1ee29eea__;!!PhOWcWs!nN7B7aH2FGsI1uO1CwjK8tITqbFo7eQmZulZZTEtCPcw-4tZz4tsl-82DQvj5Nh31A$>

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