[Fla-facrl] LIS for non-library students discussion?

Jules Bailey baileyju at tcc.fl.edu
Mon Nov 2 12:46:37 EST 2020

Hello all,

To be clear, I am asking about undergraduate LIS classes that introduce students to research, not LIS courses that a student would take to earn a bachelor's or master's in library and information studies or library science. I'm teaching LIS2004: Research Strategies for College Students at Tallahassee Community College.

I was just wondering if there is a TEAMS site or another site that allows for discussion and idea sharing for LIS courses in Florida, and if not, if anyone would be interested in starting one. I know there was a statewide curriculum developed at one point, but I would really like a place to see trends and get a look at what everyone else is doing.

Thank you,

Jules Bailey

Faculty Librarian

Tallahassee Community College

Ghazvini Center for Healthcare Education

1528 Surgeons Drive

(850) 558-4560

baileyju at tcc.fl.edu

Chat with me in TEAMS!<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=__;!!PhOWcWs!nkeyneSafJg-l0kv-2JWA55UtPL1Xsvz3z508Ce_RFUxdfX73hHWrI664VDO8bm0t6K9zw$ <baileyju at tcc.fl.edu>>

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