[Fla-facrl] ACRL Sponsored Scholarships to DHSI 2020: Apply by Jan. 21

Burress, Theresa tburress at usf.edu
Tue Jan 7 11:38:39 EST 2020

Good morning,
I'd like to share an opportunity available to all ACRL members to attend the Digital Humanities Summer Institute... see below CFP. Thank you!

Thanks to the generosity of ACRL, the Digital Scholarship Section (DSS) is able to offer five one-week course scholarships for the Digital Humanities Summer Institute<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://dhsi.org/course-offerings/__;!!PhOWcWs!gM32ZIQHU_FNDwpDSpUhVwXajCNs7vGEHjk8d9yt9w1IeyQTvsrDdrPGuggJ_7HwwMNPog$ >! These scholarships are open to all ACRL members and cover course registration costs.

Scholarship applications will be accepted until 11:59 pm CST on January 21, 2020, in order to provide you with the best opportunity to attend the course of your choice.

Scholarship Eligibility
Applicants must be current ACRL members.

Scholarship Specifics
Scholarship recipients will be awarded one registration to a one week course.  Please note that all travel and onsite-related expenses, including transportation, meals, lodging, travel insurance, and other expenses are the responsibility of the recipient.

Additional Selection Priorities
Applications are evaluated with attention to need, merit, and with attention to those whose career objectives, current roles, and aspirations align with the mission of DHSI.

January 21, 2020           Applications due by 11:59 U.S. Pacific Time
January 22-27, 2020      DSS reviews eligible applications
January 29, 2020           Recipients notified of acceptance. Recipients register themselves using
                                       complimentary registration code.
June 1-5 & 8-12, 2020   Recipients attend DHSI

Please Note:

•         To be eligible for a ACRL/DSS sponsored DHSI scholarship, you must submit the scholarship application as described below and receive your acceptance before registering for a course.

•         The five recipients will receive a code for complimentary registration on January 29.  Recipients are responsible for registering themselves for the course.

•         ACRL/DSS sponsored DHSI scholarships are intended for the person to whom they are awarded and are non-transferrable.

•         We regret that we are unable to offer fee reimbursements to participants who register before receiving the results of their scholarship application.

•         ACRL/DSS Membership Committee or Executive Committee members may reach out to successful applicants for follow-up regarding DHSI attendance, as well as to encourage recipients to serve on a DSS committee during the next volunteer cycle.

Ready to apply for an ACRL scholarship to DHSI?
Please submit the following information at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ACRLDHSI2020__;!!PhOWcWs!gM32ZIQHU_FNDwpDSpUhVwXajCNs7vGEHjk8d9yt9w1IeyQTvsrDdrPGuggJ_7G2eZx4KQ$ :

- Applicant’s full contact information

- Short statement about your work and how attending DHSI fits into your plans for now and in the future. (200 words or less)

- Affirmation statement that all travel and onsite-related expenses, including transportation, meals, lodging, travel insurance, and other expenses are the responsibility of the recipient.

Questions?  Please contact Kristen Totleben, ktotleben at library.rochester.edu<mailto:ktotleben at library.rochester.edu>.

Theresa Burress

Assistant Librarian, Liaison to Biology, Environmental Sciences, and Geospatial Programs

Nelson Poynter Memorial Library

USF St. Petersburg

(727) 873-4977

t<mailto:tburress at mail.usf.edu>burress at usf.edu


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