[FCLCA] Requesting Tutoring Center data from FCS institutions

Michael Childs childsm at phsc.edu
Wed Feb 19 16:04:06 EST 2025


I have been tasked to gather information to compare staffing levels and positions for tutoring/learning centers.

Reply to me directly at childsm at phsc.edu. I will share our findings with each of the colleges that participate.

What positions are assigned to your department, including part-time?
Would you provide an organizational chart or description of the departmental hierarchy?
Would you provide job descriptions for each position?
How many personnel are assigned to each position?
Would you provide a salary schedule/classification level for each position?
How many hours per week is each position schedule?
Have there been recent or pending updates with pay, job descriptions, or classification?
Do any of your positions require a certification process or ICLCA Learning Center Certification?

Thank you.

Michael Childs

Academic Success Center Coordinator

Pasco-Hernando State College

East Campus

36727 Blanton Road

Dade City, FL 33523


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