[FCLCA] FCLCA August Updates

Bodnar, Nick J. Nicholas.Bodnar at fscj.edu
Thu Aug 18 09:01:06 EDT 2022

Hello Florida,

As many of us begin a new semester, or look forward to beginning one in a couple of weeks, I wanted to just touch base with FCLCA Members about what's going on in the Fall semester.

Our first fall semester Coffee and Conversation will be held Friday August 26th at 11:00am via WebEx. The Coffee and Conversations are informal meetings where FCLCA Members and others can talk, in an informal setting, about what's going on around the state. The Coffee and Conversations do not have set agendas, but rather we look to participants to spark the topics and conversations. The link to August's Coffee and Conversation can be found below.

In addition, we are looking to expand the Institutional Spotlights into the Fall semester. However, there is one issue. We need institutions to sign up! If you are interested in presenting for the Institutional Spotlights for September, October, and November, please follow this link<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdqeI0X75f6kRBBibnKxIQxbHjShxeQkA6IrTh9S1EHQJii_w/viewform__;!!PhOWcWs!w9_ELHCCE3t4CwfwjUzv4FJBqT8yyuhcLmBxRM-N9JgSWWXttJCLH0ln-tE_qSA6UtCnGGd6I90zwf3zM8dMRhkGzsU15_0$  > and submit to present.

Finally, the E-board is looking to fill its last position - the Marketing and Publications Officer. If you or someone you know is interested, please submit a Officer Interest form using this link<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fscj.libwizard.com/id/7ec97e958144d26000373dc993051cec__;!!PhOWcWs!w9_ELHCCE3t4CwfwjUzv4FJBqT8yyuhcLmBxRM-N9JgSWWXttJCLH0ln-tE_qSA6UtCnGGd6I90zwf3zM8dMRhkGcU5JlxA$  >.

FCLCA Coffee and Conversation
Date and time:
Friday, Aug 26, 2022 11:00 am | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Join link:
Webinar number:
2421 162 4038
Webinar password:
KMg33uGpuV6 (56433847 from phones)
Join by phone
+1-904-900-2303 United States Toll (Jacksonville)
Access code: 242 116 24038

Thank you all, and I hope every one gets off to a good Fall semester!

Nicholas Bodnar
FCLCA President
nicholas.bodnar at fscj.edu
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